Obvious Things That You Have Just Realised.

13 Apr 2017
This is a safe place where no rolling of eyes, forehead smacking or tooth sucking will be tolerated, unburden yourself of your ignorance and expose your bloomers .

I just twigged that Spag Bol is just short for spaghetti bolognaise rather than a trendy Swedish herring dish.

I used to read the word " Misled " as miss-eld rather than miss-led.

The annoying pimples on pavement edges are an aid to blind people rather than an anti-slip surface.
There were several words that I had misspelt for a long time (talking aged 20s / 30s) before realising how they were meant to be spelt:

Ignore - I was spelling it as ignor (losing the e)
Awful - I was spelling it as aweful (so kinda opposite by adding the e)
Margin - I was spelling it as margain
Archive - I was spelling it as archieve
Century - I was spelling it as centuary
Postponed - I was adding an h, as postphoned

It took me until age 8 before I realised that a day was 24 hours (I thought it was 12 hours).

Again aged 8, I knew the numbers from 1 to 99, pulled out a tape measure and asked Mum what is 100 and she said it was a hundred.

I didn't know the alphabet until I was 12 :(

Yeah I had mild learning disability, but still. 'Twas a bit stupid in hindsight!
It was only last year that I realised that Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog = Miles Prower - Miles per hour.

I was 45. :/
I recently discovered that, despite me using computers since the ZX80 and every Microsoft OS from DOS 3.0 upwards, pressing the Windows Key + (1-0) will open the corresponding application from the taskbar.
It was only last year that I realised that Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog = Miles Prower - Miles per hour.

I was 45. :/

You not alone in that one. People working in the games industry since the 80's and only found this out recently.
Couple years ago I realized that the "rule of law" is a choice, and if enough people decided they didn't want it, the whole government system (police, courts, councils, etc) would break down and cease to exist.
Not too recent but it was only in my mid 20s when I realised the label inside a jumper is 99% of the time on the left-hand side.
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