Both of my parents have passed away in the past 18 months and I've got the task of trying to clear the house, garage, huts(both were keen gardeners) and greenhouse.
I was cursing how much they'd kept, how many bills they had, how many light bulbs, AA batteries, cheque books (32 at last count),sets of gardening gloves and clothes they had until I took a look at my own house and imagined by daughter having to clear it out. I'm just as bad.
So now I'm doing both houses, mine isn't really any better and I'm less than half their age when they passed away! It's all nonsense we don't need, I sold some tools yesterday at local fayre for over £50, these were things I'd used once over 10 years ago for a specific plumbing job and they'd gathered dust ever since. There's loads of examples of this especially computing gear. I've just given my neighbour two laptops to use for his kids as they were in a drawer doing nothing. I've several 100W bulbs which were too hot when in use for any of my lampshades! lol
TL;DR we have far too much stuff in the house we'll never use. How many screwdriver sets does one man need and surely if they aren't that good it's an excuse to get a nice set (That's the justification I'm going with!).