Obvious Things That You Have Just Realised.

Until the 2015 migrant crisis I thought Lesbos was a joke name.

Haha, off to the Isle of Lesbos! That was used in Bottom (Eddie & Richie) but for a good while I had no idea it was actually a real place either.

Not really that obvious, but when a bird is described as " Lesser Spotted " I thought that it meant its plumage was less spotty than other members of the same species
, however it means it is more rarely seen or................... spotted less.

Who da thunked it ?

Hmmm, got any links to back it up?
I recently discovered that, despite me using computers since the ZX80 and every Microsoft OS from DOS 3.0 upwards, pressing the Windows Key + (1-0) will open the corresponding application from the taskbar.

Wtf you learn something new every day. I had no idea about this lol
I had a quick look but couldn't find anything to support it - even bird forums seem to suggest it's referring to size.
Yes, I always thought it referred to a larger and smaller version of a similar spotted bird, rather than absolute numbers.
Who'd thunk it, indeed?

I wasn't aware until five or six years ago that grasses were a relatively recent addition to the planet. Back in dinosaur times there was loads of foliage and trees etc, but grasses had not appeared anywhere on the planet, yet now they are found everywhere.
An OCUK related one, I only recently realised why EVH is EVH. I guess I should pay attention to peoples signatures more often.
This is a safe place where no rolling of eyes, forehead smacking or tooth sucking will be tolerated, unburden yourself of your ignorance and expose your bloomers .

I just twigged that Spag Bol is just short for spaghetti bolognaise rather than a trendy Swedish herring dish.

I used to read the word " Misled " as miss-eld rather than miss-led.

The annoying pimples on pavement edges are an aid to blind people rather than an anti-slip surface.

This whole thread is a revelation for me.
That after 25 years of driving the fuel symbol on the dashboard has an arrow that tells you which side you put the fuel in!

There's a myth that the handle on the fuel pump indicates which side the filler is on but its not true, it's just coincidence if it is.

You're half way there.

The arrow shows you which side your filler cap is on.

But the handle on the fuel pump is also useful. If you pull up at a fuel pump that looks the same as the little image, then you've pulled up on the correct side.

Therefore, both can be used.
I thought a lot was a word, it's actually a lot.

I also used to spell February wrong, spelling it Febuary, why does it need that r there?
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