No where in real world applications, you'll see even remotely
close to these extraordinary large numbers,
not to mention games - 11% ST and 51% MT.
Hopefully, you don't believe this crap.
Notice where I stated these are benchmark figures ? i.e Not real world applications. That is why I also said we need to see reviews.
Very unbalanced system with a CPU which won't last long enough
- one of the cheaper CPUs (Ryzen 5 1600) with the most expensive
graphics card (1080 Ti), how about no?
You realise that an R5 1600 will perform very similar to an 8 core R8 1800X in gaming ? Even more so at 4K.
Maybe you should do a bit more research before spouting off on here.
Also it is funny how you are calling my build unbalanced yet you suggested a 12 core cpu with a RX 560 earlier when the op specifically said he wants to game at 1440p or 4K.