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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

I just gave up after the third attempt.

My rig locks up at about frame 1400 :o

Average FPS was down to 2.4 and the FPS figure itself hovered around 0.4FPS!

Time for an upgrade!

A64 3000+
7600GS 256MB AGP. :o

Thankfully, its quite playable with everything set to LOW.
I just gave up after the third attempt.

My rig locks up at about frame 1400 :o

Average FPS was down to 2.4 and the FPS figure itself hovered around 0.4FPS!

Time for an upgrade!

A64 3000+
7600GS 256MB AGP. :o

Thankfully, its quite playable with everything set to LOW.

Ouch. That is worse than I would have expected, perhaps not.

Old kit is starting to show that now.
41.915 FPS
Q6600 @ 3401Mhz
8800GT 512MB @ 675/975/1674
Vista 64

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It's definitely crossfired- I turned it on via ati catalyst.

With crossfire tuned off I get average 33fps but with I get 43fps.

If you look at marscay on first page he has it crossfired on his top info but gpu-z says 'disabled'

Must be an error with g-puz and vista 64...

Is 43fps a bit too low - like I say crossfire is defo working with 10fps increase but is 10fps too little?
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So basically looking at these results, Vista 32 or 64 still suck for game peformace?? Looking at people who have similar specs to me but are using XP, seem to be getting as much as 10fps more!!!! MS need to sort this out with SP1 for Vista surely!?
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