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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

i've downloaded gurusan's file from his opening post and i'm going to attempt to import it. this should be fun (not). :)

Thanks so much! The webform seems to work great and it looks like you fixed the rounding issue.

Also instead of going through my original file I can just start a new Version 2 thread and everyone can resubmit through your form. Would save you a lot of trouble.

....also you used to have a bbcode tab on your site and if you put that back with the Crysis results I'd be happy to update the original post with the code periodically to save you the trouble.
Also instead of going through my original file I can just start a new Version 2 thread and everyone can resubmit through your form. Would save you a lot of trouble.

nah it's ok. i've tidied up the formatting so it matches the way my system works and it's nearly done. i just need to figure out the importing bit..... :p
52.785 fps
8800gts 512@780/1090/2000
xp 32bit

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Marc2003, you're an absolute diamond me ol' son :D. Thank you for helping Gurusan out and keeping this great thread running smoothly.

Kudos to you both.


BioHazard I want to poke your eyes out. 2k+ shader clock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:.

:D Great score.
finally got round to posting in this one.

I found that pure cpu speed does make a small difference... 4ghz scored about 58 ffp and it took running at 4.5ghz to get to 63fps although i also had to overclock the cards massivly and although you cant see it in the screen shots i pushed the Pci-e bus up to 130Mhz

The GPU was actually set to 910 in Riva Tuner, not quite sure what it is really working at cos gpuz shows 891
Also this is in crossfire even though GPUz does not report it.


Tips for anyone trying this on the 3870's
32 bit performance is much slower. I only seem to get full Crossfire and speed from x64 bit Vista in DX9 - running in XP still does not seem to use crossfire and dx10 in vista is even slower :(
so Vista 64 in 64bit mode with DX9 for best times
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