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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

If you have modifed the game configs then any benchies you do would be invalid as they arn't stock configs.

To compare to our scores you need to use the stock config files you get after installing the game.

(EDIT - Also if you are running an X2 you need to run Vista x64, and run Crysis in 64bit DX9 mode for best performance).

Now that I didn't know (regarding Vista 64, DX9). I've removed the config file, ran again and it made no difference at all. I'm also running in XP32 and vista 32bit, so that might account for me low scores (around 44-45fps, thats in XP and vista DX9, DX10 gives me about 29fps so I'll not bother with that for the time being). Using rivatuner 2.07 for overclocking made virtually no difference at all as well, probably 1-2 fps.
Cheers for the info Hex:)
Now that I didn't know (regarding Vista 64, DX9). I've removed the config file, ran again and it made no difference at all. I'm also running in XP32 and vista 32bit, so that might account for me low scores (around 44-45fps, thats in XP and vista DX9, DX10 gives me about 29fps so I'll not bother with that for the time being). Using rivatuner 2.07 for overclocking made virtually no difference at all as well, probably 1-2 fps.
Cheers for the info Hex:)

Yeah 32bit OS's and XP you will only get low/mid 40's, put Vista x64 on and run in 64bit you'll be hitting the 50+'s easy.

Also, Rivatuner doesn't clock the X2 properly, it only clocks one of the cores.

You need to use the AMDGPU Tool to clock.
Yeah 32bit OS's and XP you will only get low/mid 40's, put Vista x64 on and run in 64bit you'll be hitting the 50+'s easy.

Also, Rivatuner doesn't clock the X2 properly, it only clocks one of the cores.

You need to use the AMDGPU Tool to clock.

Heh...I tried a coupla versions of that AMDGPU clock tool and it didn't wanna know. I've also tried clocking using the CCC overdrive and all I get is hard locks (requiring reboot) as soon as the vidcard attempts to do anything, so overclocking wise I'm kinda scuppered really.
I'm waiting for the cat 8.3 to arrive and hoping that the overdrive option will actually work, failing that, theres always a later versh off rivatuner which hopefully will overclock both cores simultaneously.:)
On a sidenote, does vista 64bit give better in game performance as opposed to vista 32bit?
Been tweaking these RC3 betas with some great improvement :)

Just a heads up here folks,using the 169.44s & the 1.2 patch gives a fair old boost

Went up from 47.05 to 53.035 fps:eek:

After running the bench again,it looks like these drivers are all over the place regarding results,so ignore this screenie

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