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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

Wanted to hit over 47fps, basic OS tweaking which I neglected since the last re-install netted me an extra 3fps overall from default settings :D

75.73 fps
e8500 @ 4400mhz
8800 GTX SLI @ 632/1000/1512
xp sp2 32bit

Trying out new NV drivers ver 174.53 :)

75.73 fps
e8500 @ 4400mhz
8800 GTX SLI @ 632/1000/1512
xp sp2 32bit

Trying out new NV drivers ver 174.53 :)


Dont wish to be unkind here... but this result does not stack?
Firstly we have the same score, I got it first, yet i seem to have moved to second place???? how does that work then???

Secondly this score seems mighty high for a fairly std clock on a pair of 8800GTX's and a dual core cpu at 200mhz lower than my quad.

Those new drivers sure do seem rather special.

I am a sore looser aint I :)
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Firstly we have the same score, I got it first, yet i seem to have moved to second place???? how does that work then???

gurusan hasn't updated the thread since i made this post.... :p

i just made a little change to how the results are displayed in the database. i've changed it so if the scores are equal, the result that was submitted first stays top. i think that's the fairest way. :)
The 174.53's are good, although only for the 9 series officially.
Have to wonder if NV will try to keep the performance increase for the 9's only to help sell them.
Since the GX2 is going to rely on SLI to perform it's no surprise that SLI performance is up with these drivers.

So how long till someone with a pair of 9800GX2's posts a top score ?
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The 174.53's are good, although only for the 9 series officially.
Have to wonder if NV will try to keep the performance increase for the 9's only to help sell them.
Since the GX2 is going to rely on SLI to perform it's no surprise that SLI performance is up with these drivers.

So how long till someone with a pair of 9800GX2's posts a top score ?

Thanks Marc - I think your tweak is fair regardless of the fact that i'm biased of course :)

If these new drivers give such a boost are you confident that the image quality is the same... we all know how, from time to time, nvidia optimise a game by blocking a bit of functionallity. If these are truly just getting mega performance then the market for GPU's is wide open again. Watches with interest :D
Maybe someone else with an SLI setup can give these drivers a go.
If the performance is genuine then great but if there is a bit of cheating going on then shame on NV.

I cant say honestly if the IQ is down, my eyesight isn't great.
E8400 @ 4Ghz
BFG 9800GX2

Run #1- DX9 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 70.345
Run #1- DX9 1900x1200 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 48.265

Run #1- DX10 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 65.045
Run #2- DX10 1900x1200 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 43.395
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