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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

Managed to make it a 9800GX2 hatrick, I cant compete with those Yorkfileds though .

Ran this Bench at stock speeds. But as I was typing this post originally the screen went black and never came back! :(

Ive pluged my GTX back in. R.I.P new 9800GX2 you served me we for all of 15minutes.


Im pretty certain its the card thats dead and not the settings on my rig.

My Setup was

Q6600 @ 3950MHz/1.5V
4GB (2x2 1066 Dominator Ram) @ 1068Mhz/2.1V
9800GX2 1024MB @ Stock speeds.
1KW Enermax PSU
Asus Maximus Formula (602 rev)

Now back to my humble GTX until I can sus out what happened to my new toy.

Bilbo "Crying" BloodBath
Just got bored and had a play - what happens when you run the top listed resolution - 2560x2048?

Does it actually run at that res and scale down on the monitor or does it run at the reduced res of the monitor?

Only asking as i tried it with High DX9 settings on my 24" hyundai and got an average of 35.07fps which seems far too good for that res. :confused:


I'm pretty happy with a 2900 at that score but what the hell is up with that gpu core clock? I just noticed and every different program I just tried shows different clocks on the gpu, most around the 600 mark and atitool said it was around 700 when I started it up :I

It doesn't seem to want to overclock with any program and sometimes crashes when I try but I'm not sure if that's the speed it's even running at, bleh, only bought it cheapo second hand so I can't be bothered to take it back from where I bought it and it runs crysis fine at medium/low which still looks amazing so I'm not too bothered but it would be good to find out what's wrong
Well so far my replacement 9800gx2 is hold up :)


Not too bad. My 8800GTX did 34FPS and this one can do 61FPS, so Im looking at a 80% improvement with the 9800gx2.

I tried OC'ing but it gave no real gain in performance. I would imagine my CPUs speed is probably limiting the score now.
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