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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

who cares what imageshack says. you can't read the text. simple as that. and there is nothing wrong with my eyesight thanks.

Oh dear. I can read it just fine but I'm not getting into an argument about who's got the best eye sight!

All I was saying is that I chose to resize to that res because i thought that it was the right option. It's not, and I shall do it bigger next time. You only have to ask for a bigger image in future or something.

Jeez, what's with you lot today. :(
And heres my High one :)

New best running vista 64bit and should firmly plant me in 3rd :)


This score should actualy go up by like 7-8% after friday :P

Heres a VH test run .

This system still needs tweaking because vista is at all stock configs .

ah right, didnt notice the crossfire part.

The 3850 is essentially the same as the 3870 just different clocks, the 3870 also has ddr4 sometimes. Unless you get a good price or the 3870 clocks are amazing I would not advise bothering to swap but obviously matching the 512mb would be nice for games.

Also I dont believe crysis makes as much from crossfire and/or sli as other games might. Try seeing the difference in 3dmark05 or similar
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I'm not to worried about the fps to be fair :), it was just the clock speed gpu-z was reporting, thought the cards were not engaging 3d mode properly.

The 3850 is ddr3 and 3870 ddr4, just ran with out crossfire and got 30fps, pretty sure the 3850's 256mb of ram is holding the 3870 back.
No point the extra heat and power requirments for very little benefit so i think im gonna sell the 3850 as it was only bought as a temporary thing and get a cheap 3870 512mb when the new cards come out.
Keeps your eyes open in the MM for a cheap 3850 ;)
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