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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

Even thats not gonna make up the difference...

Does look well dodgy to me. Unless retail really does make that much better use of SLI than the demo,
Why are the top three scores so much higher then other setups with same cards? CPU overclock shouldnt be making that much difference. :confused:

Could be positive LOD bias?

Not 'technically' cheating, but significantly reduces texture quality and makes the whole thing look like utter pants, so not really a fair representation. I'm fairly certain that all the top 3dmark scores are also done with +ve LOD values.

edit - scratch that. I just tried it, and setting LOD to +3 gained only 2fps over the benchmark :/
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Could be positive LOD bias?

Not 'technically' cheating, but significantly reduces texture quality and makes the whole thing look like utter pants, so not really a fair representation. I'm fairly certain that all the top 3dmark scores are also done with +ve LOD values.

edit - scratch that. I just tried it, and setting LOD to +3 gained only 2fps over the benchmark :/

There must be something else going on as there should be some progression in the scores, you can't go from 77fps straight to 90fps+

Unless there using Quad SLI (2x9800GX2 or 3 way SLI) but I don't think they are.
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I don't see any GTX280 scores (probably because they're poor value compared to the 4870s!), so I'll submit mine for reference. I get just over 70fps:


I imagine that my CPU isn't helping matters. Also, the 280 doesn't clock as well as some others, and I run it at 660mhz core / stock memory for the most part. Above 675mhz this I get the occasional artifact in crysis, although it seems to run everything else cleanly at 700mhz. Still, the performance seems sufficient, so why push it further?

Good solid score that, with great minimums of 37+, and maximums over 90. I don't suppose you will be going "SLI" will you, Anti-multi GPU User that you are;)

So then, looking at your score, that card is faster than my 2XGTX 8800's (in SLI) so that very suprising (benchmarks/reviews etc side the GTX280 up with two 8800 GT's in SLI, with the GT's winning in Crysis most of the time). Would rather see OcUK Benchies i think, as they seem more "real" And youv'e earned the title of "fastest single GPU user" . So the GTX 280 is thew fastest card for Crysis. I would have thought most people know Nvidia are, but I like the way this GTX 280 is coming along:)

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There must be something else going on as there should be some progression in the scores, you can't go from 77fps straight to 90fps+

Unless there using Quad SLI (2x9800GX2 or 3 way SLI) but I don't think they are.

I got around 70fps testing with a similiar clocked 9800GX2 and a bit slower quad core and around 58fps with a dual core and medium OC'd 8800GT SLI so I can't see how they are getting 90+ as you only gain about 0.25fps for every 400MHz extra on the CPU.

Not to shabby! :D

Ideal's to increase this score:

  • Buy a new CPU featuring more than 2MB Cache?
  • Increase System Ram from 2GB to 4GB
  • Replace stock cooler and try to increase HD4850's overclock
  • Bribe Gurusan to perform vMods on HD4850 ;)
Not to shabby! :D

Ideal's to increase this score:

  • Buy a new CPU featuring more than 2MB Cache?
  • Increase System Ram from 2GB to 4GB
  • Replace stock cooler and try to increase HD4850's overclock
  • Bribe Gurusan to perform vMods on HD4850 ;)
Very nice. I wouldn't bother adding more ram with XP, you wouldn't see any difference. I would get a decent cooler (not long till the new AC ones come out) and OC further :cool:

That is my plan with the 4870 anyway :cool:

edit: might be worth going for a E8400 - 1333 FSB, 6MB Cache, 45nm..... mine sits at 3.6GHz with only a tiny bump in volts.
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Good solid score that, with great minimums of 37+, and maximums over 90. I don't suppose you will be going "SLI" will you, Anti-multi GPU User that you are;)

So then, looking at your score, that card is faster than my 2XGTX 8800's (in SLI) so that very suprising (benchmarks/reviews etc side the GTX280 up with two 8800 GT's in SLI, with the GT's winning in Crysis most of the time). Would rather see OcUK Benchies i think, as they seem more "real" And youv'e earned the title of "fastest single GPU user" . So the GTX 280 is thew fastest card for Crysis. I would have thought most people know Nvidia are, but I like the way this GTX 280 is coming along:)


Yeah, you're right - no second GPU for me :) My PSU (and my wallet :p) couldn't hack it even if I wanted to.

There are a few SLI 8800GTX setups on that list which are beating my score, so I guess it comes down to the amount of clocking. I'm sure if someone with crossfire 4870s came along they would annhiliate the existing results, but I'd be interested to see how the minimum framerate scores scale with that.
  • Buy a new CPU featuring more than 2MB Cache?
  • Increase System Ram from 2GB to 4GB
  • Replace stock cooler and try to increase HD4850's overclock
  • Bribe Gurusan to perform vMods on HD4850 ;)

Great score for such a low priced machine :) Shows that you don't have to go mad to get good performance these days.

To be honest, you have a nice balanced system there. I don't see any nice cheap way to improve your score significantly. An aftermarket cooler might be nice, but I'm not sure exactly how much extra clocking headroom that will bring. Perhaps have a look at the results of others who have bought one.
so I can't see how they are getting 90+ as you only gain about 0.25fps for every 400MHz extra on the CPU.

gpu clocks , cpu clocks and lots of voltage .

I put 1.7 volts into that e8400 @ 4.5ghz and 1.675 volts into the pci @140 clocks ,, lol

I picked up 6 frames going from 4.0 to 4.5 ghz in xp , so i dont know where that 0.25 fps came from ,, hehe

I then switched over to vista64 and picked up 2-3 more frames , then i added 2 more gig's of 1150 memory@ 1180 for a total of 4 gig's and picked up 7 more frames .

Frames are there , ya just gota push for it or you will never find them .

~ ~ ~
Could be wrong but they look dodgy to me.:confused:
I got around 70fps testing with a similiar clocked 9800GX2 and a bit slower quad core and around 58fps with a dual core and medium OC'd 8800GT SLI so I can't see how they are getting 90+ as you only gain about 0.25fps for every 400MHz extra on the CPU.
Does look well dodgy to me.

There must be something else going on as there should be some progression in the scores, you can't go from 77fps straight to 90fps+

It didn't go 'straight' anywhere.

There was no messing with LOD or cheating in anyway for my part. Just a single GX2 unmodified other than the casing removed, with a QX9650 on water. P35 4GB@550MHz Vista64 clean install.

I'll save you the 'effort' of looking back over the thread for the progression.

600/1500/2000 4GHz>74fps

750/1875/2200 4.5GHz >76.4fps 64bit

750/1875/2200 4.5GHz >81.4fps 32bit

770/1925/2200 4.5GHz >84.74fps

770/1947/2288 4.7GHz >88.17fps

770/1944/2302 4.75GHz >89.58fps (near enough same clocks 1.4fps increase for +50MHz cpu)

780/2000/2308 4.80GHz >91.86fps Server 2008


I'll add this, Simon didn't log his progress so much, you can see my P35 was never going to touch x38 clock for clock.
1 85.505 simonmaltby intel qx9650 @ 4500mhz nvidia 9800gx2 1024mb @ 750/1050/1875 single card (dual gpu) Windows Vista 64bit

600/1500/2000 E8400 4GHz >72.15fps
Here is what i get on version 174.60 drivers
600/1500/2000 >72.68fps
Stock clocks on the 9800GX2
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Big.Wayne said:
  • Buy a new CPU featuring more than 2MB Cache? - C2D E6600 @ 3.6Ghz to E8400 4Ghz got me a massive 1FPS more

  • Increase System Ram from 2GB to 4GB Doesn't make the slighest bit of difference
  • Replace stock cooler and try to increase HD4850's overclock - Best idea yet :)
  • Bribe Gurusan to perform vMods on HD4850 ;) -v mods aren't difficult I'm sure he could do it himself..

Bed now work tommorow :)
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