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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

New score with GX2 :)

My new score with my 4850

not bad about 10% quicker than my GT :cool: Also would have the fastest single 4850 score were it not for Gurusan and his insane overclocks!!!
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woohoo, fastest 4870 on the list, albeit there's only two 4870's on the list... including mine. :p

[email protected], 4870@790/1100.

Edit, props to gurusan for the work that he's put into this thread. Nice one matey.

Edit 2, Woot, just noticed it's the fastest single gpu as well.

/Bizarre strutts off basking in his inevitabley short lived glory. :D
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Just ran the following:


Spec: E8400 @ 3.6ghz / 2 x Powercolor HD4850 @ stock / Asus P5Q Pro /DDR2 1066mhz

Not bad as a quick un tweaked run. Straight in at number 14 :)
Jumping from 81st to 25th place by swapping the 8800 GTX for 4870 (also includes going from XP32 bit 2GB to Vista64 4GB) :p

Overclocking the E8400 didn't make a huge difference. Going from stock 3.0GHz to 3.6 gave me 1.5fps more.
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New processor finally...

4850 CF'd, E8400 @ 3.6 noob/quick oc since i only just got it.

I am slightly perplexed by your score. Granted yours is faster than mine (please see my post above) but only by 0.02 FPS?

Your HD4850's are clocked quite a lot higher than mine so I would have assumed you would have scored higher.

I can only assume that the cpu is holding you back somewhat.
Well my RAM isnt the best available which drops my FPS a littlebit, also noted going from stock speeds to the max CCC overdrive allows only upped my FPS by like 3 average.

Managed to get more FPS Increase going from 3.6 -> 3.7 -> 3.8 on the processor then going from stock to 700/1100 on the GPU's.

47.92 fps

Q6600 @ 3600MHz
8800GT @ 776/1003/1944
Vista 64

GT with Ballz clocked off - can't wait to get this card under water :)

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