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**** OcUK Crysis Warhead Top-List ****

15 Mar 2008
Winter Springs Florida
The score that dosnt make sence to me is Icewind's 65 fps in 1680x1050 .

The game is not written for a quad core and yet he blows me out of the water when im running my cards and cpu on the edge of melting .

His low fps and high fps dont jive at all .

This is at 4.625 ghz


Compaired to this @ 4.200ghz

Is the game not adveraging things out right ?

Im netting 11 frames higher on my low fps and 13 fps higher on my high fps and running the demo play time 7 seconds faster than him but yet i get 62 fps adverage and he gets 65 .

Someone want to explain this to me ?
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18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
Well, the longer I test, the more I think this is just highly imprecise tool. For example - I don't have any custom configs, no autoexecs anywhere in user directory, technically the benchmark tool should just use its own config to bench and there is nothing enforced to override it. However, compared to original Crysis loop I definitely don't see that jerky awful thing called "motion blur" when I run benchmark tool. Even with good frame rate there is no way to mistake that sh.. for anything else. And I don't see it in my warhead flythroughs. Incidentally it is the only thing i disable in regular game menu.

But here lies the problem - if this is oversight and bits and bobs you set in your regular game, have even miniscule effect on external benchmark (which should in theory use its own, identical enthusiast config for everyone) then there is no point of benching at all between different users. Unless we have exactly the same set of files unzipped in our game directory and user directory you will get those kind of anomalies where bunch of 4870x2s gets smashed by second hand 4870 (which granted - overclocks surprisingly well, but come on...)

And then we get to the stage where it's also different patch levels and different benchmark tool versions, maybe one demo finished 7 seconds later because flythrough is now slightly longer, or because demo map features additional props, or because in far eastern or US version of the game someone downloaded off the net textures were added or patched and are by default slower. Or the other way round - maybe one exe is still molested by securom in the background while the other exe is patched and on top use smaller, compressed textures and sprites for single 4.7Gb DVD etc etc.

Btw... very nice task collection on the GTX280 pic up there... ;)
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24 Jan 2006

Benchmark is weird but nice to see Icewind had a little pron running in the background.... bottom left of the taskbar
20 Sep 2008

my results, beat an amd 5000+ with 8800GT with 3800+ with an 88008 GTB =D


and yes i do only have a 17" so cant run enthusiast :'(
26 Oct 2008
Think I've done it right but got confused with GPU, little disappointed with results though.

Forgot CPU and GPU details in screenie I'll fix that soon.
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