OcUK & Cutters Rolling Road Day 19 @ Powerstation (Tewksbury) - Saturday April 25th 2015!!

That sucks man hope it works out for you. Let us know as I'm looking forward to the next one.
Cheers fella, trying to work out this week what's "actually going on" and what's going to be left over. Pointless me spending a load of cash to get set up only for the building to be sold from under my feet :mad:
It does seem that way..
I have wanted to run my own business since well, I kind of was when I was 18 during college. Like an immature pillock though, I threw it all away and went to work for someone else as the money was good (and easy) :D
I have two "get out" options definitely open to me at the moment..
Full / part time with Litchfield
Go back to the construction industry (in the same job and the same company I left to go to PS)
and one other not so open invitation from my brothers wind power generation company..
I think I have to bite the bullet here now though as everything "could" fall into place quite nicely...
At worse it all falls around my ears and I walk away with a credit card debt... No real change there though, as I've just spent the last 5 months clearing them :D :D

ARGH (and still have a bloody headache)

Litchfield! ;)
Talk him into letting us hold our RR days there, I did ask him but he was OK with just 1 or 2 cars turning up, but was not particular interested in holding RR days for groups. :(
There's too much "very" expensive gear there to do public days at Litchos, it's not his scene at all.
Asked about what's happening to PS today before I commit to a circa £2k trade insurance policy..
They want £5000 a MONTH rent for ground floor workshop..
I'm out.. :(
There's too much "very" expensive gear there to do public days at Litchos, it's not his scene at all.
Asked about what's happening to PS today before I commit to a circa £2k trade insurance policy..
They want £5000 a MONTH rent for ground floor workshop..
I'm out.. :(

That's insane, find a small unit buy yourself a ramp, you've got tools, start up your own small business.
Im sorry to see what happened, only just seen myself. Bloody annoying as a great bunch of guys and the most spot on dyno around. Was hoping to orgoinse a group next year there. no idea where to go now that I trust.
No worries, thanks though. I'm bit ****sed off after what's happened (besides the insolvency) as I was told by one of the bosses one thing and then that was reneged on by the other boss a week or so later.
(Basically was told any calls that came through for work would be passed to me and I could use the workshop for free until Christmas and do my own thing.....)
The day before I was due to take on the first job that I'd booked (nice simple Type 25 service to start), the other boss said I couldn't do that??? :mad:
So I had basically rushed round like a mentalist setting up email addresses, domain names, bank accounts, payment devices, accounting software, business names and business supplies for nothing (not quite for nothing as I will be using it soon but..)
So that time I could have spent productively looking for work / space was wasted..
Has also taken ages to receive any form of official comms from the insolvency practitioner dealing with it all too, only to find out I could have done it all online anyway. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
So as it stands at the moment I ain't had a penny since beginning of Nov. :eek: obviously things are beginning to get a little butt clenching..
So trying to move forward....
Some of you may know the story of me trying to build a workshop of my own 11 years ago on my farm to do this kind of work before I actually joined PS which my uncle reneged on when it was 90% finished (half the reason I ended up at PS) so going back to him effectively cap in hand asking if I could have that workshop back somehow was hard work.. Was still no though so meh..
Another workshop has been found just up the road which is massively convenient, already has a ramp in but when I rang the guy last week he was ill so I couldn't / didn't want to go round there to check it out just yet. (more hold ups) :o
Once I'm in there if it's suitable (pray to god it is not a ramshackle windy hole) I should be able to get moving again. However because of the loss of the momentum of customers and calls (they stopped passing the info on as well) I am going to have to start from scratch on that basis too now. :rolleyes:

Weirdly instead of car work I now seem to have landed two steelwork jobs to do for mates, one wants a small mezzanine floor making and putting up, the other wants some ground anchors for his winch... but..
Got to order the steel in for that which will take time (and money) so despite everything moving in the right direction, I still haven't got stuck into anything solid at all yet. :o

99.9% sure I have a job sorted for the new year back in my old job with my old boss as a structural steel welder, pay was agreed (much better), holidays were agreed (also much much better) but start date was a bit vacant.. :o
Down side of that is it's doesn't sound that secure because he was about to retire.. (Hence the reason "Cooksons Auto Repairs & Servicing" must take off sooner rather than later as back up plan Numero Uno!!)
Fall back job will be working for a utility company who wants me but that will be a reluctant move due to pay / hours / conditions and inability to do my own garage stuff due to start finish times. :/ and the fact the offer might have expired by next year. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :o

Oh that quick reply was a bit longer than I planned it to be :o:
Nope, I want to move away from car work as an employee so that there is no problems with the "doing foreigners" aspect.
That way I can expand my own business better, quicker and more freely without worry about posting something I shouldn't.
Car work, when working for someone else is **** money. 11 years ago I was only doing it to get an eye opener into the retail trade side of things but somehow I forgot that along the way and got comfortable..
Won't be doing that again unless I have to...
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