Nine weeks into adopting our three year old and he is starting to find his voice, which is nice.
I primarily look after him on weekends and evening, due to work, and last Sunday he started being somewhat obnoxious. Oppositional, awkward and generally unpleasant. I had taken him and his friend to a trampoline centre and he didn't want to come back and started being really grouchy. His friend, being a well-mannered immigrant kid*, was left feeling awkward and looked embarrassed. However, our child had just met his foster parents the day before and was probably a little confused as well as being a general dick.
In the car, our child's friend was just covering his face with his hands
Anyway, I reported back to my wife "Oh, he's just finding his voice" and so on. Yup, I thought, he certainly is.
After lunch, I decided to take him the park as he appeared to be in a better mood. So I asked his friend and, with a little trepidation, he accepted and we went out again.
Bad move.
We bumped into a 5 year old girl and her mum who I am friends with, so all three kids were playing. There was some interaction and all seemed well until I had the brainwave of getting them all cooperating and playing with a slinky.
5 year old girl at one end, neighbour's kid on the other and my child in the middle, we made a triangle. We stretched the slinky further and further until neighbour's kid's end of the slinky slipped and snapped into my child's hand.
Armageddon ensued. Tears and bawling, neighbour's kid apologising his little heart out and 5 year old girl looking startled.
It was back to him being a foul little beast, 5 year old girl asking me why he was being weird and neighbour's kid getting PTSD.
He is much better this weekend, but exhibited his demonic side to my wife on Wednesday before coming to get me from work. She looked traumatised.
I welcome his personality coming through, as it shows he is getting more secure, but it drains me. Especially as some of the kids I teach have serious behavioural issues and have been kicked out of mainstream
*Maybe not all immigrant kids are well mannered, but this one is an angel!