Man of Honour
I don't dislike him.
I don't know why but that really made me laugh
I don't dislike him.
Hopefully not
The lad is in the year above which did raise an eyebrow at first but having spent some time with him, I don't dislike him.
I felt what I was doing was right. We've had talks about different things but we do so in a manner when she or I isn't put on the spot.
I'm not hugely keen on her having the pill, only because it's taking a drug which she will have to do so for years and it's affect on her. On the other hand she's getting headaches and feels rough when on so maybe the pill might calm that down.
I think I was more annoyed that my GF opined that it would be my fault if my daughter became pregnant because I wasn't strict enough on her.
Ah bless That wee face. Congrats. "New Dad Tip" for you your normal thing, don't make the house quiet as anything or you'll find that later on, the slightest creak will wake her. I'm not saying do the hoovering beside her but don't be tip-toeing around her. Let her get used to world sounds. She will sleep better later and you'll not be on egg shells when she is in bed. You'll be surprised what they can sleep through. I know this goes against all you think to do but I'm right.
Yeah we wondered that too he did same last night the Mrs gave up and slept in his room, calpol didn't calm him down eitherHe probably has some teeth coming through If he's dribbling like a leaky tap and bright red cheeks and really smelly nappies, it's probably his teeth and Calpol will help there we wondered that too he did same last night the Mrs gave up and slept in his room, calpol didn't calm him down either
Thanks will get some and give it ago
Can be used safely on babies teething. I've used it for all 3 of my kids. Miracle worker!
Rub this on his gums and it'll numb them and he will sleep. You're welcome
Thanks will get some and give it ago
Thanks will get some and give it ago
Haha nope I suggested snip after 1 but Mrs even though says doesn't want anymore thinks too young to say that and docs will say sameMy wife desperately wants a third child, I really REALLY don't. Would getting the snip in secret be naughty?
My wife desperately wants a third child, I really REALLY don't. Would getting the snip in secret be naughty?
My wife desperately wants a third child, I really REALLY don't. Would getting the snip in secret be naughty?
You can't be serious about needing your spouses permission for the snip!?
If that's the case then I think that's disgusting.I think if you're married, then yes. My missus used to work as a medical secretary - her GP specialised in vasectomies and this has been the case for married men for at least the last two decades.