You know what's worse? Because I couldn't get on the forums today I actually had to do something productive
Indeed I've been very bored without them! I have no where online to hang out on!
This might not be much help, but Isohunt thought it was being DDoS'd the other day but it turned out to be dodgy IE plugin to do with reading rss feeds
Its was assumed it was a DDoS because of where the ips were coming from, below is from their news:
"Starting a couple hours before midnight GMT on 10-Jan-2009 we started receiving a lot more requests and traffic than we would normally have at that time of day, which topped out at 8500 CPS (connections per second) before we could get in, figure out what was happening and act to mitigate it. Thankfully, the folks that attacked us the first time made it fairly easy for us to locate and filter their traffic, since I don't think there are many people living in South America or Asia who legitimately run their browsers in Russian Smile
Update: it turns out that the /js/rss hits aren't actually a DDoS like I originally thought, and is instead the fault of one of those silly IE "toolbars" that refused to respect the TTL we set in our RSS feed. Currently testing a fix, and if the fix works, I'll be sure to turn RSS back on again.
SecretSquirrel wrote:
Rounds 2 and 3 weren't so generous. Round 2 had 171,892 unique ips all hitting /js/rss.php. Round 3 is ongoing and we're still struggling to find a way to mitigate the attack beyond completely turning off our rss (which is where things stand now). So, if you've used our RSS in the past, or are attempting to use it now, and are legitimate, I would suggest that you stop using our feed until we get this figured out (which will be accompanied by a post to the front page stating that rss feeds are back on).
If you're reading this, and you're responsible for any of these attacks, I would like to give you the opportunity to be heard. You may either PM me on the forums or send us an email at admin@this site's domain."