OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

23 Jan 2004
On my Boat, Drinking
OK Dieters, based on the interest in Tailgunner's post about his weightloss I thought I would start a place where we can post our progress, support each other and make CONSTRUCTIVE coments ;)

If this takes off I'll be posting daily progress and talking about my own experiences, I encourage you to do the same :)

This is NOT a place for telling people that their diets are dangerous or being rude about their ideas, I hope it will be a supportive place where we can come for solice if we put on a pound but also get a kick in the arse if we need it.

As for me

My stats are in my sig, I started at 290 and my current target is 210 :)

Right now I am low carbing (YES I KNOW!) but this is a quick fix to get me to my next target and give me confidence to get into the gym, right now I'm not very confident about putting on shorts and a T-shirt and starting to lift weights again.

A little background

I've done this before in 2001 I lost 6st (84lbs) using a combination of low carbing and then Body for Life training. It wasn't easy and there isn't a day which goes by when I don't curse myself for not catching my weight gain more quickly but ce la vie :D, I'm back on the road now. I'll be posting my progress this time around, please join me.

Since 12/1 I've lost 10lbs, 70lbs to go.

Please be nice, I'm kinda laying myself open here but I'm trusting you, if there is a hint of unpleasentness I'll have the thread deleted:)

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I started to diet last week, so far i have lost 7lb eating a little less than normal.

I also went to the gym earlier on to have my induction, only to be turned away because i recently had chest pains so i now need a note from my doc to im clear to excercise.
My one tip, is that diets never tend to work full time IMO.

Its all about lifestyle change, if you eat healthily and excerise regulary, your body will sort itself out.

But if you like diets, you should try this one our Sandra done, she lost 16st in a day right, in a day.
I'm carrying some serious paunch after a long layoff through illness. Split up with my missus earlier this month so decided it needed to go again if I'm to be successful out on the town.
Dug out my rowing machine, put my running shoes on and prepared myself to fall over my jump rope again. Currently managing about 45mins to an hour of cv per week, Coupled with bodyweight exercises 3x weekly and cutting the rubbish out of my diet (used to drink 2 litres of coke a day). It's coming off at a decent rate but of course it's frustrating that you can't just go crazy for a week or so and burn it all off.
Well i have gone back to Rugby, i'm going to make a commitment to go every week without fail and make it to as many training sessions as possible! In addition to that, i now walk to work and although it's not a huge distance it helps. I'm going to try and go for a walk at night and gradually step up my other exercise as at the moment my level of fitness overall is quite low.

I'm trying to watch my main dinner, which isn't normally too bad and i've cut out the Junk food at work which has been my main downfall. I'm not going to get too caught up in losing this much or that much. Going to stick with what i'm doing and step it up and see how it goes :)
I'll use this thread as well to document my progress. I've not weighed myself since I was home at Christmas but clocked in at a rather unhealthy 273lbs (about 19.5 stone).

I can remember not that many years ago I was aroung 15-16 stone and although still on the large side felt much healthier and looked better than I do now. This is therefore my medium-term target.

In the short term I'm going to focus on things a month at a time and from past gym-going/dieting know I should be able to lose about 2lbs a week.

A couple of future events are providing inspiration... I graduate this coming summer and the photos will be a rather perminant record that i'll keep for a very long time.

Secondly, I'm going on a 2 week holiday to florida and want to feel a bit better about myself on the beach (my size doesn;t stop me now, I just feel a little conscious of it).

Finally, I start a new job in October and feel although I'm a fairly confident person in work situtations, that being happier with my own image could further improve this.

edit: I should add that I'll be going to the gym tomorrow and should then have a definate starting weight!
Good luck Mat! Nice to see someone else on the bandwagon, keep it up. I'd like to see more exercise and less fad dieting once you've lost a bit though. The only to lose weight properly and keep it off for good is a lifestyle re-vamp :)

As for me, there's no WAY I'm posting my weight on here, but I've lost 4lbs so far through eating sensibly and going to the gym at least 3 times a week. My target is just over a stone, but it all depends on when I can fit into a pair of jeans I have, and when I actually start to feel happy and comfortable with my body :)

I lost 3 stone in the last year of uni through regular exercise, and cutting the crap out of my diet. I became complacent after that, and although I still went to the gym, it wasn't as much as I would like. Also, moving back home meant that I was going back to the nutritious home-cooking of my mother, but the huge portions, so it was no wonder that I didn't shed the final stone.

I've been about the same weight for a couple of years, and just not got up the will power to shed the final stone. In September, I had some problems with my contraceptive pill, and they changed it to a new one. After this, I put on about 1/2 a stone, and it left me miserable with my own weight.

I'd been trying half-heartedly to be sensible about what I ate, and taking exercise, but I promised myself that come January, I would make a concerted effort to do this for me. It's all going well so far, and I'm enjoying being at the gym again :) I know I've not lost an awful lot, but I feel so much better for it already.

My top tips: ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have breakfast, and take carrot sticks to work to munch when you're peckish. I always get hungry at about 10am, and I'm taking organic carrots to work to eat. I love raw carrot anyway, so they're great! I've also swapped normal tea for lemon tea, and up'd my intake of water.
Von Smallhausen said:
My biggest fault LK, I never eat breakfast, the last time being at the Swansea bash.
Buy yourself some Shreddies or Cornflakes or something non-sugary. You will be amazed at the difference it makes to your energy levels. Most important meal of the day!!!
I need to shed a few pounds, im not unfit but id like to be slim and have muscles showing.

I am going to start biking to work 20 Mile round trip and I am looking for a new MTB. Going to start using my punch bag a lot more.
Lostkat said:
Good luck Mat! Nice to see someone else on the bandwagon, keep it up. I'd like to see more exercise and less fad dieting once you've lost a bit though. The only to lose weight properly and keep it off for good is a lifestyle re-vamp :)

I agree with you TOTALLY :)

My short term flirt with low carbing has 2 main reasons, the first I already mentioned, to make me feel a 'little' more confident about gym clothes, the second is that I find low carbing detoxes me and gets me in a firm state of mind, I did it this way last time and after doing a few weeks low carb I found the Body for Life regime a pleasure despite strict eating and 6 days a week gym sessions.

Last time it did have a big effect on my eating for a long time but it crept back, this time I will look more at maintainance after reaching goal.

Right now I have 3 target dates Alton Towers, BBQ '06 and the Swansea meet '06 :) 245, 224 and 210 or less by the end of the year.

Matblack said:
I agree with you TOTALLY :)

My short term flirt with low carbing has 2 main reasons, the first I already mentioned, to make me feel a 'little' more confident about gym clothes, the second is that I find low carbing detoxes me and gets me in a firm state of mind, I did it this way last time and after doing a few weeks low carb I found the Body for Life regime a pleasure despite strict eating and 6 days a week gym sessions.

Last time it did have a big effect on my eating for a long time but it crept back, this time I will look more at maintainance after reaching goal.

Right now I have 3 target dates Alton Towers, BBQ '06 and the Swansea meet '06 :) 245, 224 and 210 or less by the end of the year.

I think sometimes you need a kickstart just to prove to yourself that you can do it. Morale is often the lowest just after you've started, when you've not really lost much. I completely understand why you're doing what you're doing, and am glad that you've also got long term plans. Seems like you're really determined this time. If you even THINK about giving up, drop me an MSN and I'll swear and nag at you until you're back in the swing :)
Lostkat said:
Good luck Mat! Nice to see someone else on the bandwagon, keep it up. I'd like to see more exercise and less fad dieting once you've lost a bit though. The only to lose weight properly and keep it off for good is a lifestyle re-vamp :)

My top tips: ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have breakfast.

2 absolutely top tips in my opinion. :)

Congrats on everybody on doing so well, and keep it up! :)

I'm trying to reduce my (bad) cholesterol, I do have a pretty healthy lifestyle and diet already, but I do like my rich foods and whilst my cholesterol isn't in a danger zone, it's flitting between the max mark and the "too much" mark.

I don't think I have any weight to lose, but could do with melting off a bit of "wobble" on the obliques - but I too am trying to life a little more "healthier".
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