OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Breakfast is indeed a top tip.

It's something that I've never bothered with over the past few years.

I've eaten breakfast every day this week and the urge to snack a lot during the day has really died down.
I was going to lose weight this year and work happened to have a sponsored slim going on, so I joined that for some extra encouragement.

The odd thing is that I eat a pretty healthy diet anyway, so not much has change with that accept I now eat less. I joined the gym and do the fat burn excercises on the machines (cross trainer, step machine, rowing machine and bike), keeping my heart rate at 65-70% and doing about 1hr 15mins each session 4 times last week and in between I do the sit ups thing before bed. For some strange reason, despite eating less and excercising (not previously done any excercise at all for over two years), I put on half a kilo :confused:

Does anyone have any good training routines for the gym ?? Im not interested in weights I just want to lose weight.

Oh and all the best Matblack, I hope it works out for you. :)
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What a great idea for a thread .. currently feeling a little down as I feel I haven't been making much in the way of progress :/

I used to weight between 7 and 7.5 stone

Last year , with the combination of a few things , I shot right up to about 8st 12lbs .... nearly TWO STONE ! on someone of my height it really shows :(

I gave up smoking , Have become very happy and content so put on some " happy " weight , Have been eating loads more carbs due to Demso not liking veg so therefore cba to make it for myself and also hormonal problems with my contraceptive implant

I'm aiming to get down to about 7st 8 .. At 7st I was a little too thin and also my boobies shrunk .. not good !!

Currently I have cut out all snacking inbetween meals or if I am snacking I will munch some fruit or carrot ( yummy aren't they LK ! ) or a low fat savoury item like snack a jacks or riveta

I have a bowl of cereal for brekky , a wholemeal tuna sarnie for lunch and then a balanced evening meal ( apart from training days , will go into this later ) Always make sure we have eaten before 8pm LATEST

I am walking back and fore to work so walking just over a mile a day 5 days a week

I am eating spaghetti/beans on toast an hour before training on a Monday and a Wednesday and then nothing when I come home

Training Routine :

1 mile spirited walk on treadmill
20 side bends with 5kg weight
250 steps on stepping machine
20 side bends with 5kg weight
30 situps
20 side bends with 5kg weight
5 mins rowing
20 side bends with 5kg weight
30 crunches with 3kg Medicine Ball
20 side bends with 5kg weight
3 x 8 Flys with 5kg weight

I am also going to a Body Combat class tomorrow which lasts an hour to see what it's like , if I don't feel like too much of a prat I'm going to start doing that as well :)

I am currently at 8st 8 ... I was 8st 7 at the begnining of the week so I am feeling a little like I have taken a step backwards :/
Piggymon said:
I am also going to a Body Combat class tomorrow which lasts an hour to see what it's like , if I don't feel like too much of a prat I'm going to start doing that as well :)
Body Combat is FANTASTIC :D and I'm not really a class person. You'll really enjoy it if you have a decent teacher. I also used to really enjoy Body Pump, although I've not been since the summer. Might be good for you actually, because it tones you up lovely and shows you how to use the free weights.

Go for it! It's tiring, but so much fun :)
Oh cool :D .. The local leisure centre is having an open day .. Body pump sounds cool as well but the class tomorrow is at 9.30am .. yeah right LOL

Body Combat is on at 11.30 ... far more palatable for a saturday :p
Piggymon said:
I am currently at 8st 8 ... I was 8st 7 at the begnining of the week so I am feeling a little like I have taken a step backwards :/

Look, everyone stop STRESSING about going up a lb or two at the start. It happens!! Especially if you're doing exercise etc. Weight doesn't magically fly off the second you glance at a treadmill. It takes time, and it WILL go. Just be patient :)
Great idea, especially for those of us motivated by the Splash Landings meet! I am looking to lose about another stone (plus convert some extra from fat to muscle). Have lost half a stone since pre-xmas and starting a gym routine as well. Maybe we can all take a before photo and update every few weeks, I did this before and it was really good for proving that it was working as it can be hard to notice it yourself.
Piggymon said:
I am currently at 8st 8 ... I was 8st 7 at the begnining of the week so I am feeling a little like I have taken a step backwards :/

Odd isnt it I was totally miffed at gaining weight despite eating less and excercising. Maybe I'm expecting too much with only one week of doing it but I didnt expect putting weight on.
Piggymon said:
Oh cool :D .. The local leisure centre is having an open day .. Body pump sounds cool as well but the class tomorrow is at 9.30am .. yeah right LOL

Body Combat is on at 11.30 ... far more palatable for a saturday :p
I'd probably leave Body Pump until you're into a more stable routine and are losing weight nicely. Your first class will absolutely kill, and you'll ache for about a week afterwards, hehe. I thought I'd never be able to walk properly again. After that, it's all good though :D
Lostkat said:
Look, everyone stop STRESSING about going up a lb or two at the start. It happens!! Especially if you're doing exercise etc. Weight doesn't magically fly off the second you glance at a treadmill. It takes time, and it WILL go. Just be patient :)

I'm trying not to and getting lots of encouragement and support from Desmo :) .. It is hard when one day I got all excited because I saw 8st7 for the first time in ages and then the next it went back up :/

I WILL get into shape for Splash Landings !!! :D
ricky1981 said:
Great idea, especially for those of us motivated by the Splash Landings meet! I am looking to lose about another stone (plus convert some extra from fat to muscle). Have lost half a stone since pre-xmas and starting a gym routine as well. Maybe we can all take a before photo and update every few weeks, I did this before and it was really good for proving that it was working as it can be hard to notice it yourself.

We'll get there Ricky !!

I've had pics taken of me showing my progess ( so far no weight loss but boobs have gotton bigger and perkier due to the flys :p ) I can't post them as I only have my undies on but it is a good idea :)
ok, i'll jump onboard this one too :)

as you may have read, i have just discovered that i have officially lost the first stone in my fight to undo the damage of 10 years of illness, total idleness, smoking and eating junk.

i am now 29.1 stone.

my girlfriend moved in with me, and has been my inspiration, support and shoulder to cry on. it also helps that she is a qualified fitness instructor.....

i have swapped from a hi carb/caffeine/sugar/junk diet to eating proper meals, cutting down on the, frankly ludicrous, amount of carbs, and eating normal portions. I have started eating SOME salad and generally maintaining a balanced diet instead of spending nearly a tenner a day on junk, pasties, stuff from the sandwich van at work etc, and eating chinese/chipper/pizza for tea.

I got myself and the missus memberships at finess first in exeter (near my house :) ), and we are going more or less three nights a week.

when i started, i couldnt do more than 5 minutes on the elliptcal cross trainer at lvl1 without my legs cramping up and feeling rather ill for days afterwards.

about 5 weeks in, and i do a 20 minute cardio based warmup, then hit the weights machines for every muscle group (2 sets of 12 reps of 2 or 3 weights) using freeweights for biceps and triceps, then a good 10 mins flat out on the elliptical cross trainer on lvl 5, 10 mins cooldown and then shower etc.

my fitness has come on much quicker than i though possible, my flexibility has improved, my energy is better- in short im ecstatic that im feeling results.

i know im only getting results quickly at the moment because i was really really badly unfit and my lifestyle was terrible. im also aware that these changes will gradually slow down.

my message to all the people in a similar situation to me- all the people who dont feel comfortable about going to the gym, who have to buy clothes from specialist shops, who are truely fed up with things the way they are- make the change, take positive action!

the other poeple in the gym will, at worst, completely ignore you. the ultra muscley and ultra fit people will see you are making the effort, and in my experience it is these people who will offer you friendly and constructive advice with no bias or prejudice. what you wear is unimportant- people who treat the gym like a fashion parade are, IMO, odd. a t shirt and some tracksuit bototms and a pair of trainers are fine. nobody will take the blindest bit of notice, i promise.

my tips:

take a friend- get a "gym buddy" it helps motivation no end

a healthy diet is NOT all-salad. a well balanced diet is what you should aim for.

dont overdo it- take it very easy the first couple of weeks- 10 min gentle warm up, stretch, 10 mins fairly gentle cardio exercise, stretch, 10 mins cooldown, stretch, hot shower, stretch, home. believe me- i overdid it the first time and couldnt walk for 2 days. if it hurts- STOP!

dont be afraid to ask for advice, either from staff, personal trainers and even members.

keep it up! you CAN do it!

my msn is in my trust- add me if you want to folks!

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Lostkat said:
I'd probably leave Body Pump until you're into a more stable routine and are losing weight nicely. Your first class will absolutely kill, and you'll ache for about a week afterwards, hehe. I thought I'd never be able to walk properly again. After that, it's all good though :D

Oh crikey ! .. sounds ... erm ... fun ! :eek:

I have to try and find something on a Saturday , they only have pilates on a saturday at the leisure centre :/ .. the others are all either on in the daytime or evening and I do enough training in the week as it is :)
Knowing some of the other members on this forum you may regret that last but one post piggy!! I am planning the same thing but have a sneaky feeling there would be more interest in your photos! :p Will stick to clothed photos for public viewing methinks!
I've always been lucky in the weight department.

Fast growth, coupled with a fast metabolism, had me about 20lbs underweight 6 months ago.

I have the utmost respect for people who manage to lose significant amount of weight through dieting and exercise.
I find it hard just to lose the few extra pounds put on over the christmas period!
ricky1981 said:
Knowing some of the other members on this forum you may regret that last but one post piggy!! I am planning the same thing but have a sneaky feeling there would be more interest in your photos! :p Will stick to clothed photos for public viewing methinks!

Oh these are not for public consumption ! :eek: :)
Funny this thread should appear now - since finishing uni (and lets face it, for most of the time I was there) I've had a beer belly, and as of tomorrow I'm starting to change the way I eat and varying the exercise I do more. I'm not overweight - 5'8" and 70kg but the fat I do have is all around my middle. I finally got a stand for my punchbag so I'm going to be using that, and I'll be going to bed earlier so I can get up for the gym in the morning.

The three main differeces I will be making are

i) Drinking plenty of water - in the past I have occasionally got up, gone to work, had a couple of cups of coffee and drank tea throughout the day, having NO water whatsoever until I got home. Apart from the bad breath and lack of energy this can give you, it's also bloody dangerous in the long term. The first sign I've been having lately of this is painful headaches that last all day, meaning the whole day is written off. This has to stop, and I'll be limiting diuretics such as caffeine drinks and alcohol as well as seriously upping my water intake.

ii) Having brekkie - reading through a few supplements in the gym, the biggest recommendation by far for losing fat has been to have a massive (but healthy) breakfast every day. The most appealing suggestion being cereal with milk, a fruit smoothie AND a slice of toast with peanut butter - yup, all three. Luckily I've made use of Sainsbury's recent generosity with the half price Innocent smoothies and bought six litres - should last me at least a couple of weeks! After breakfast, around five small meals throughout the day seems to be the way forward.

iii) Exercising properly - I go to the gym fairly regularly but have no workout regime whatsoever. I'll do ten minutes of uphill on the jogger, and then some arm weights... maybe a cycle sprint... there's just no order or cohesion. The aim is to burn fat but limit muscle wastage so I'm going to start proper long runs (not in the gym) and doing free weights on particular days on particular muscle groups.

I never intended to post about it, but thought since everyone else is it might be fun to track my progress along with you, plus it's a great motivational tool! I'm off to get a glass of water - you should too!

Edit: Oh, and to add to what WS_TailGunner said, I have nothing but respect for anyone who makes the effort to go to the gym and do something about their fitness/weight/whatever. If anything, I've found the people there will be more inclined to help you than ridicule you, they may even have been in that position before. :)
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Good point about the water Belmit .. I never used to drink any and was constantly getting water infections making my pee pee burn :(

I do drink coffee out of the vending machine at work ( don't tend to drink tea/coffee at home ) but everytime someone gets a round of coffee I am also getting a cup of water .. must be drinking about 8 cups a day which is a vast improvment on NONE !

Had no burny pee pee for ages now :D
Good luck to everyone, I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

I started a fairly simple low fat diet last week (basically Weight Watchers old plan) starting at 224lbs my target is ~190lbs and I've lost a nice gentle 3lbs this week. I'm not in any desperate hurry to lose the weight and it's not a huge amount so I'm trying to re-educate myself rather than just lose 2.5 stone.

I've started to eat breakfasts, as Lostkat said it's definitely the most important meal of the day, and I'm taking some gentle exercise as well.

What's most annoying is I did this about 4 years ago losing 3.5 stone and giving up smoking at the same time, but it's crept back on over the last couple of years (still off the dreaded fags though :) )

So my target for next week is 3-4lbs

Funny this thread should pop up now because after years of sitting on my fat behind, I actually started to do something about it this week. I signed up for membership at the local gym and am seeing a personal trainer too. I hadn't a clue how to change my diet or how to work out so it's nice to have someone to tell me exactly what I should be doing, even if it is a little expensive. I had no idea how bad my diet was. A usual day consisted of a large mug of coffee for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, lots of coffee during the day and curry/pasta for tea.

At present I'm 5'11" and weigh 16.5 stones. It's not massively overweight but I'm not happy with my appearance and I want to be healthier. I'm really glad this thread popped up because if anything it has given me more motivation to work harder towards my target weight. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread for advice, tips, motivation and I'll do my best to contribute my experiences. :)

Good luck everyone!
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