OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Well done to all of you lifestyle changers, I don't say dieters because I think that diets are a fad and wont last, a lifestyle change will last , and you WILL reap the benefits. My tips above all else are :
1/ Never skip breakfast, if you don't have breakfast then start to do so. It is a great kick start to your daily metabolism.
2/Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, on top of any other drinks you may consume.
3/Try not to eat before going to bed.
4/Have healthy snacks around the house: dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, seeds, cereal bars etc
5/ Look to put more "good" food stuff in, rather than looking at all the "bad" stuff you need to take out. It's almost reverse psychology but once you start to feel the benefits, and you WILL, you'll naturally put more of what's best for you in, and reduce on the junk.
6/Allow yourself junk food if you love it, just in moderation.

Good luck and remember slow progress is better than no progress:)

Thats good advice, I lost 4 stone last year, changed lifestyle, I never did any exercise, smoked 40 a day, drank too much, eat too much of the wrong thing.

Water is the key to everything when you want to lose weight, i would go as far as to say its almost impossible to lose weight unless you drink a lot of water. Drinking diet drinks filled with crap instead of water simply makes you retain fluid and fat, this is my current problem, i still have another 2 stone to lose, but i cant get myself off the diet irn bru, after finding this thread though, ill make a concerted effort to do that.

My other problem is since taking over my business, im in the office for 7.30 every morning, i tend to stop at the roll shop on the way in and get a little pasta box, packet of crisps and empire biscuit, im never going to lose any more if i dont cut out that, i really should get up earlier.

Its fortune I love exercise, and I split my week so im doing different things. This was what i did this week.

Sunday - Spin (45 minute high intensity cycling class)
Monday - Run (50 minute jog, approx 6km on the road)
Tuesday - Spin (as above)
Wednesday - Badminton (1 hour)
Thursday - Day Off
Friday - Body Combat (55 minutes, high intensity aerobic class)
Today - Body Attack (60 minute high intensity aerobic class).

I usually do 5 or 6 days a week, i mix it about to keep things interesting.
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Quick update from me.

Weight loss since 21/8/07 - 26.9 LBS :)

Only 6.5lbs away from target weight. I'm aiming for mid December.
I'm concentrating on BF% rather than weight as I'm at the stage now where the weight is kinda staying the same but still loosing bodyfat but for those with a bit to go it could be a good idea :)

In the last 6 weeks I've dropped my BF% from 30% to 25% which is kinda like going from cheeseburger to chicken burger.My weight has dropped by 1kg so I'm heading for a better body shape, not just being thinner.

I'm aiming for 15% by the end of January, but work is getting in the way of exercise fairly often and I should be paying more attention to my diet when I'm at home. Breakfast is easy (Special K Protein), lunch at work is a salad, but I'm still eating massive carb-loads in the evening, or at least it feels like it.

I should try keeping a meal diary.

My wife gets Personal Trainer free with her work and is finding it really use so I've invested with one at mine. It's expensive, but I'm learning a lot about training correctly and how I can maintain a decent healthy lifestyle once I stopp paying for the sessions. I'm having two sessions a week (an hour each) where I get completely beasted and then I follow a programme defined by my PT for another 4 days each week - I say that, but I'm not going to make it to the gym on Tues, Wed or Thurs this week. Sunday is always day of rest.

I can really fel the difference and I'm loving it. I looked in the mirror this morning and saw where I still want to loose weight (back, moobs, belly) and then it struck me that I must have been a serious bloater six weeks ago because although I look much better now I've still goot the moobs and love-handles that I want rid off.

Best of all though, I'm actually enjoying running and going to the gym and since the other half is doing the same we are getting a little competitive.

I'm considering the GNR next year, but since I hate crowds, nevermind running in them, I'm not sure I'll actually enjoy it.

Edit: Metalface Mark - what's body combat like? I'm going to one body pump class each week but the instructor has been telling me I should do BC as well.
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Have to say congrats and keep up the good work! Piggy- that's quite a transformation!

I've set myself an 'operation six pack' (as I used to have in uni). I've managed to get down to 81kg (~13st) over a 6'4 frame but I need to ensure that the fat is used up and the that muscle is being added.
I don't go to the gym at the moment but currently it's:
Sat - nothing
Sun - kick boxing - beginners
Mon - kick boxing - advanced
Tue - kick boxing - beginners
Wed - kick boxing - advanced
Thu - kick boxing - beginners followed by boxing beginners then advanced
Fri - nothing

The kickboxing is like a very intense circuit training although no weights, fitness at the sessions isn't a problem now so I'm thinking of putting some weight training in there too.
Probably won't help that I've just started seeing someone. Nothing like that to take your mind off it..

Breakfast - two slices of toast and marmalade
Lunch - sandwich (brown bread low Gi), usually ham, lettuce, tomatoes with some fresh fruit. I should vary this with some pasta etc.
pre-KB snack - usually another sandwich.
Dinner - usually pasta, chicken. Athough it has to be quick.
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Quick update from me.

Weight loss since 21/8/07 - 26.9 LBS :)

Only 6.5lbs away from target weight. I'm aiming for mid December.

Wow, I had no idea this thread was here. Good on you, Spie. I can't relate to running a computing business but I can relate to weight loss. It's an effort but if you're determined you can do it.

I'm 5'9" and at the beginning of August I decided to weigh myself for the first time in ages. I weighed 14 stone - I was disgusted. Clearly all those days of eating whatever the hell I liked and drinking whatever the hell I liked had taken their toll. I was technically obese, according to my BMI.

Since then I decided to lose weight and have lost over 35 pounds so far. I'm in the 'normal weight' category in my BMI now and am only about half a stone away from my target weight. I only drink two nights a week instead of seven now, and I consume on average about 1500 calories every day as well as going to the gym 3-4 days a week.

I feel great and am really enjoying things. The thing that worked the most for me was thinking of it as a lifestyle change rather than just as a diet, since a diet seems to temporary.

For evening meals in I alternate between the following:

Chili con carne with brown rice = app 700 calories
Baked potato with beans and sausages with vegetables = app 700 calories
Brown rice with vegetables and soy sauce = 500 calories
Brown pasta with home-made sauce = app 800 calories
Weight Watchers lasagne/sausages and mash, vegetables and beans = 700 calories
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Started off back in March myself weighing in at 17st 12 pounds, I'm 6ft5. I'd never kept track of my weight previously and it was something I really just ignored, despite being unhappy about it. Breaking up with the gf was the final straw - the realisation dawned that if I was to land a hottie, I'd need to get my ass down the gym. I started on atkins + the gym 5/6 times a week and lost about 8 pounds pretty quickly but soon got sick of the diet. I then moved on to just eating healthy, and continuing the gym 5/6 times a week. I'm now 14st 9lb and much happier for it. My target weight was 15st, but I don't look good enough naked, so my new target is 14st. I would've hit this weight much sooner had I not had a shady couple of months over July/August/September where work and skirt chasing took over! Back on track now though. :cool:
Started off back in March myself weighing in at 17st 12 pounds, I'm 6ft5. I'd never kept track of my weight previously and it was something I really just ignored, despite being unhappy about it. Breaking up with the gf was the final straw - the realisation dawned that if I was to land a hottie, I'd need to get my ass down the gym. I started on atkins + the gym 5/6 times a week and lost about 8 pounds pretty quickly but soon got sick of the diet. I then moved on to just eating healthy, and continuing the gym 5/6 times a week. I'm now 14st 9lb and much happier for it. My target weight was 15st, but I don't look good enough naked, so my new target is 14st. I would've hit this weight much sooner had I not had a shady couple of months over July/August/September where work and skirt chasing took over! Back on track now though. :cool:
Impressive weight loss. But 14st at 6ft5in is madness. When I was running marathons 20 years ago I dropped to 14st7lb at 6ft7in and I was far too thin.
Yeah it does seem a little low doesn't it. My main problem is that the fat is concentrated in pretty ugly areas, ie stomach and chest. So whilst I have definition everywhere else on my body, those areas just look flabby. It could be that once I've shed another 4-5 pounds I'll look how I want to, which would obviously be preferable.
Yeah it does seem a little low doesn't it. My main problem is that the fat is concentrated in pretty ugly areas, ie stomach and chest. So whilst I have definition everywhere else on my body, those areas just look flabby. It could be that once I've shed another 4-5 pounds I'll look how I want to, which would obviously be preferable.

This is the problem with concentrating on weight - Piggy has the right idea by using photos to compare body shape as a guide of where she want's to get to.

I'm using body shape and body fat % (not BMI) to set targets for myself.
[DOD]Asprilla;10476318 said:
Edit: Metalface Mark - what's body combat like? I'm going to one body pump class each week but the instructor has been telling me I should do BC as well.

Not addressed to me and a month late but I've been doing Body Combat for coming up to three years now. It depends a lot on the person teaching it, but it's generally a laugh and if you do it properly it's hard work. It'll take a while to get the basic moves right, punches and kicks, and then you can concentrate on working harder and improving technique.

Don't be thinking it's a martial art though. It's nowhere near. But it's fun. And usually there are only one or two men per class and loads of women... ;)
I thought I'd bring this back.

I'm 5"11 and weigh 215 pounds. I want to get to 185 for the time being. I'm starting a low carb calorie controlled diet.

Exercise is where I fall down, I might start jogging but need to find some one nice to do it.

Does anyone have any meal plans for a day?
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