Well you were the one asking obvious questions, don't be surprised if you get obvious answers, it had "this week only" plastered all over it.
Well you were the one asking obvious questions, don't be surprised if you get obvious answers, it had "this week only" plastered all over it.

like i said tell me somthing i don't already know,that's why i asked what time offer finishes not what day .maybe you should read peoples previous posts before making statements .
like i said tell me somthing i don't already know,that's why i asked what time offer finishes not what day .maybe you should read peoples previous posts before making statements .

Hi there

Sorry for not coming back earlier, if you want one, we can honour the deal price. :)
Any luck with the GTX 680M results yet?


They prove exactly what I've being saying all along. At 1080p its down to GPU performance and as such even in Shogun 2 this AMD based laptop is nearly as quick as the Intel 680M based laptop costing twice as much.

Of course at lower resolutions, the more powerful Intel CPU shows its muscle, but I stand by my original point, on a gaming 1080p laptop you game at 1080p as the GPU is powerful enough. Here is the Shogun 2 results:-


Shall post Sleeping Dogs results later or tomorrow in a nice a chart. :)

My point all along has being that 1080p gaming is far more reliant on GPU, and this does indeed seem the trait, as now proven in Heaven and Shogun 2. Fact is at 1080p gaming the CPU does very little, its mostly down to GPU performance. If playing at lower resolutions, then of course the CPU aids performance quite a bit.

Fact is for 1k you won't get a faster 1080p gaming laptop on the Intel/NVIDIA side. The AMD CPU is slower for sure, but it does not spoil your 1080p gaming experience.

Of course soon AMD will release the Enduro Hotfix so then those of you insistent on having Intel will be able to have the best of both worlds, an Intel based laptop with 7970M which is cheaper and a match for the more expensive 680M. :)

Truth is right now if you want an Intel gaming laptop for 1k, the best GPU you will get is a 660M/570M which simply won't offer the same performance in games at 1080p, not even close to this all AMD Laptop.
Hi there

Here is the Sleeping Dogs results, the 7970M is on top when visual settings are all set to extreme, which enables AA/AF I believe. However setting to normal so AA/AF is not on the 680M platform seems to have a big performance pull back, beating the 7970M, maybe thats the faster processor flexing its muscle?



We sell both laptops so I have no personal gain by saying buy the cheaper one, but I've run the benchmarks requested and pretty much proven my point, the 7970M AMD based laptop offers superb 1080p gaming performance, if thats your aim your not gonna find a better gaming laptop for the money. If the 680M Intel laptop was £200 more, then I'd consider it, but even if you remove the SSD, larger screen, bluray, your still talking an additional £500. I'd simply not spend it.

Of course the best option all round shall be when AMD release the hotfix for Enduro problem, then you can have full blown 7970M performance with Intel processor.

But please those saying that AMD Trinity is a bad match with 7970M is miss-leading, its just as capable in games at 1080p as the more powerful Intel based counterparts which cost considerably more. :)
Can you run the benchmarks on that Ivy i5 7970M with the enduro fix and compare?
Which, I want, so badly :p
I only have 820 =/.

Shall do, but won't be posted until late next week, were so busy its untrue and were moving.

But I shall get it done, with the Hotfix our own laptops will be the quickest things out there as 7970M in my oppinion is the best gaming mobile graphics out there. :)
I know this is likely a stupid and obvious question, but is a finance agreement only available to UK residents?

Mmmmm not sure to be honest m8, best to ask sales or CS, drop a post in customer support forum or send a webnote in. :)
My GX60 does not run full utilisation on the 7970m. I came to this conclusion from trying all drivers and testing the power saving modes and high performance modes. Even though the high perormance mode was sluggish it was still smoother than power saving. Is there any software that will confirm that my 7970m does not run at 100%?
you may just need to tweak the driver settings, AMD's strengths are different to Nvidia, changing some of the settings for sampling, anti-aliasing, tessellation etc can provide a BIG boost in performance.
you may just need to tweak the driver settings, AMD's strengths are different to Nvidia, changing some of the settings for sampling, anti-aliasing, tessellation etc can provide a BIG boost in performance.

Correct, thanks. Changed supersampling to multi adaptive and from 20 fps to 60 fps, wow, only one minor setting.
How playable is Planetside 2 on these AMD laptops? My current gaming laptop struggles on low settings with very bad lag... So, if I am to accidently drop it and tell the wife that I need a new laptop for doing my OU courses... How good is this laptop for BF3/Shogun/PS2/ArmaII playing?
..I won't tell her the price...
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