Or maybe they're implying that a butteryfly is a super flower!

Btw, here is a list of the cables on all superflower psu's ocuk stock so far

Leadex Platinum 1200W
1x 20+4-Pin ATX12V/EPS12V
1x 8-Pin EPS12V
1x 4+4-Pin ATX12V/EPS12V
6x 6+2-Pin-PCIe
10x SATA
5x 4-Pin-Molex
1x Floppy

If a 280X needs 1 x 6pin and 1 x 8pin, does this mean that this PSU is limited to 3 gfx cards if it only has 6 x 6 x 6+2pin pci-e??
The leadex 1200w actually has 8 pci-e, took the info from superflowers website but turns out they were wrong.

The 1200W Leadex has the following, counted them myself. In brackets is the number per cable for your convenience as that's how I prefer it. Can't beat someone checking their PSU, your welcome ;)

- 1X SATA (x2) + 4-pin Molex (x2)
- 2X SATA (x4)
- 1X 4-pin Molex (x3) + 4-pin floppy drive power (x1)
- 1X 20+4-pin ATX 12V power cable
- 3X 6+2-pin-PCI Express (x2)
- 2X 6+2-pin-PCI Express (x1)
- 1X 4+4-pin ATX 12V/EPS 12V (x1) [CPU1]
- 1X 8-pin EPS 12V (x1) [CPU2]
Thinking about getting a 1000W Plat, but have just been trying to find out how I would go about dealing with a warranty claim with them if something would happen with-in the 5 years? Is it just a case of dealing with overclockers.co.uk within this 5 year period? Or would it be a case of overclockers will cover it for 1-2 years, then after that I have to deal with the manufacturer direct?
Thinking about getting a 1000W Plat, but have just been trying to find out how I would go about dealing with a warranty claim with them if something would happen with-in the 5 years? Is it just a case of dealing with overclockers.co.uk within this 5 year period? Or would it be a case of overclockers will cover it for 1-2 years, then after that I have to deal with the manufacturer direct?

As Gibbo said, OcUK have you covered for the 5 years making it super convenient :) It's understanding that sending it to Taiwan would be a bit difficult :p

.... With whom is the warranty after 1st year?
Warranty with OcUK!
With OcUK for 5yr, so the best! :)
Thanks for the reply! Seems I didn't read down the page long enough!

Received my replacement parcel today and just excitedly reopened it after Overclockers previously sent me the wrong power supply (1000w) costing me £17 to send back that nobody refunded. Imagine my joy as I opened the parcel, Overclockers sent the 1000w model instead of the 1200w model again!

I know the 1200w model is £15 more expensive than it was when I paid for/ordered it, but you'd still think OCUK would get it right second time.
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Received my replacement parcel today and just excitedly reopened it after Overclockers previously sent me the wrong power supply (1000w) costing me £17 to send back that nobody refunded. Imagine my joy as I opened the parcel, Overclockers sent the 1000w model instead of the 1200w model again!

I know the 1200w model is £15 more expensive than it was when I paid for/ordered it, but you'd still think OCUK would get it right second time.
Seriously?? Ouch that's not good
still confused on what psu to get, im getting a i7 4770k and a gtx 780 with view to sli in future so im unsure on wattage to get, but i know it will be a superflower as they seem to be having good reviews, i was hoping to get away with a leadex 750w but im thinking maybe the 1000w , im i right, can someone advise what wattage i should be getting.
1200watt to have a little headroom if your going to OC CPU and 2x GPU's.

If you already has a good quality 1000watt it would be fine.

Gibbo inputted into a similar Q in another thread today.
Received my replacement parcel today and just excitedly reopened it after Overclockers previously sent me the wrong power supply (1000w) costing me £17 to send back that nobody refunded. Imagine my joy as I opened the parcel, Overclockers sent the 1000w model instead of the 1200w model again!

I know the 1200w model is £15 more expensive than it was when I paid for/ordered it, but you'd still think OCUK would get it right second time.

You need to get onto them about that £17. There is no way in hell you should be out of pocket because someone can't do their job properly, especially as you now have another one to return. In fact, get them to have it picked up as well as refunding you for the original.
Thanks to the nice people at overclockers for sorting things out, the correct model arrived today. I have to say it's both amazing and ultra sexy, enough to make a grown man dribble. Next step should be single sleeved cables.
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