
we have had confirmation about the static pressure back from Zaward



I have added it into the product description on the website

Before you mislead all potential buyers I'd double check Zawards cleaning lady hasn't responded to your query by mistake as there's absolutely no chance that figure is correct.

The Noctua NF-F12 (The focus flow model specifically designed for heatsinks and readiators) has a static pressure of 2.61 mm/H2O and Corsairs new SP120 (static pressure version) is 3.1 mm/H20.

That added to the fact when reviewed the Golf G3 had a static pressure of less than 1.00mm/H20 leads me to firmly believe your figure in completely incorrect.
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Before you mislead all potential buyers I'd double check Zawards cleaning lady hasn't responded to your query by mistake as there's absolutely no chance that figure is correct.

The Noctua NF-F12 (The focus flow model specifically designed for heatsinks and readiators) has a static pressure of 2.61 mm/H2O and Corsairs new SP120 (static pressure version) is 3.1 mm/H20.

That added to the fact when reviewed the Golf G3 had a static pressure of less than 1.00mm/H20 leads me to firmly believe your figure in completely incorrect.

Fight, fight fight!
the ZG3-120TL fan is the exact same specification as the ZG3-120D.

I am fairly certain that the cleaner at Zaward would be the last person replying to emails from key partners.

As I dont have the specialist equipment used to measure fan static pressure I can only forward the information that the manufacturer has provided.

I will ask again to check if it is an oversight on their part.

but given that the noctua you refer to is 1500rpm and this is 2000rpm, The increased SP figure is not massively unbelievable.

if you could provide me with the link to this review, that would be very helpful as I would like to discuss it with Zaward and find out if there is a mistake here.

As for the RPM difference you quoted the SP120's (static pressure version) from Corsair are even higher at 2350rpm and they are rated at 3.1mm/H2O.

I find it hard to believe that the slower Zawards have such a high static pressure, virtually unheard of, compared to the more expensive specialist SP competition.

If Zaward come back and confirm the figure is 3.48mmH20 then fair enough but it's such a high figure plenty of water cooling enthusiasts will be very sceptical.

EDIT - It would appear the review is the same fan at 1000rpm, not 2000rpm as the OCUK model is. My comments and concerns over the exceptionally high SP rating remain however.
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yeah, that is the 1000rpm one.

lets see what Zaward say as I'm only the messenger here.

We tested several models of fan samples before ordering and these were the fans that performed best.
A good step forward as always by OcUK. What next? An energy drink.....;)

This is a legitimately good idea. I can see the adverts for it now....



Do your rage quits need more passion and energy? Look no further! With new Overclockers energy drink you'll be raging so hard we guarantee you'll be uploaded to youtube in under 24 hours or your money back!

Use the FFUUUUUU rage face on the can, instant success.
yeah, that is the 1000rpm one.

lets see what Zaward say as I'm only the messenger here.

We tested several models of fan samples before ordering and these were the fans that performed best.

No problem. I didn't intend to start a debate but I'd been researching static pressure fans for a future build and the figure quoted stood out. If it's correct then it's an excellent fan indeed and you should certainly try and tie it in with the watercooling section of the forum and in the shop. :)
Good move, think these needs some exposure though, as in freebies with certain spends ;)
yeah if the figure is any where near the one quoted it will be a superb rad/heatsink fan even if you have to turn it down because of the loudness of the fan let alone 3+ going at it.

I would buy a couple for sure thats why I originally asked about the static preasure of the fans. :)
Techlab is our modding brand, so modified cases, custom watercooling setups. A spanner is just the image of choise to represent this, though a screwdriver is the desired tool of choice with a PC, but a spanner looks far more impressive marketing wise. :D

Just the overclockers logo, maybe the red and blue speedometer on its own would look far better than the spanner IMO.. The speedometer would also lend itslef well to the radial motion of the fan.
not heard anything back but I have been out of the office since Thursday.

will try to chase it up tomorrow :)
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