Iv been popping £200 a month into a secret account, hidden away from the missis (she would just spend it on horsey things)
A few k saved up now.. so after X99 benchmarks hit, ill know if i will empty the account into OCUK's hands.. the 2500k system is starting to get old :P
I've quickly paid off all my credit agreements and am sitting totally zero debt right now.................all waiting for this one moment...............soon credit rating soon we have been working on you for years leading upto this moment. Middle X99 processor, good X99 board, medium range ddr4 and at least 2x8gb gtx880s. £1500 max budget on buy now pay within 10 months interest free is my aim :)
Gibbo the Kingston 3000 kit is listed wrong it's Cache latency 15 not 16

Cheers, Kingston improved the latencies on all the kits, infact Kingston have got the best looking and fastest DDR4 kits now. :)

Even better our price on them is epic.
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