Gibbo or anybody please.
Apart from the FE cards, which AIB card would I get the earliest that I can get a waterblock for please?
If you want a custom PCB and a card soonish, your best bet would more than likely be either the Gigabyte G1 Gaming or the MSI Gaming X. They seem to be getting to grips with the backlog of pre-orders.
From what I can see, EKWB aside from the FE do custom blocks for the Strix, Gigabyte G1, MSI GX and two models for EVGA FTW/Classy. At the moment, the strix is delayed till July and the two models for the EVGA are also delayed. Not sure about other waterblock manufacturers.
Go for Inno3d model, they are arriving on the 30th.
As far as I'm aware and correct me if I'm wrong, there isn't a waterblock currently for the Inno3d models? An they've all been delayed till either the 24th or the 30th?