OcUK Joint Ops Clan?

Originally posted by chompaz
I'll play tonight are we still using the teamspeak server or not becasue when I went on yesterday it had changed completely and their was no OcUK server anymore

Once your on the server you can create your own room anyhow. If I get there before anyone else I set one up with password the usual ocuk:)
Yeah sorry lads was on holiday for 10 days and then purchased a PS2 and got re-addicted to gran turismo 3 but im back now will be playing tonight.

Can you re-instate me as a member mathew cheers.
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Still no decent servers. Even DE Tremor 2 has seemed to have disappeared. Will come back and play more when some good servers come up again. Really is a pity, awesome game being let down :(
Ok - i've set up our IRC channel so we can get together and chat.

It's #ocuk.jtops on quakenet so please add to your perform/start using irc as we need support to keep it going and to get to know each other better.

If you dont know how to use irc then a guide is on :

OCuK Joint Ops Forums

in the private forums section.

Or alternatively you can email me - email is in trust.
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