OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat



I'm up for doing this at some point, think it would be good to have a library as part of it though. Bookcases, shelves, steps leading up to a veranda with tables/chairs etc?

The other issue we have is the vault being bedrock. I'm not sure how much we can change e.g. entrances. I quite like the current open entrance, so people walk through some big doors and then down to the vault. This way we can also have other stuff located in the left and right sides of the bank.

Library one side and I don't know... an auction house on the other? I know there is one in the vault, but it might be nice to design a proper one. Art gallery wouldn't be a bad call either. Even if these places serve no purpose, they are nice to look around and not exactly a waste of space.
Sorry for blowing my top off, I appreciate all the work you have put into spawn.

At the same time I think you were the only person who seemed to know what you wanted at spawn, because I asked everyone on the server at the time and everyone said it was fine to build in the community build areas.

In any case I had all the intentions of building only to benefit the community and would have happily removed it myself if anyone took a disliking to it.

Just got me very mad that after spending a whole day getting the materials for it and then another day building it you destroyed it in one night.

Give me a little heads up next time :)

sure thing, i completely understand, i think i still have most of the brickwork and wood, possibly not all of it (my inventory was pretty full after the other 2 buildings :/) but i can give you back what i have, if you would like a shop at spawn then let me know what it's purpose is and we'll see if it can have a space next to the other shops.

the only reason i was the only one who knew what was going on at spawn was because, despite asking, no one offered to build any of the major buildings, all i really wanted to do was plan and lay out the major ground work, then it was for everyone to decide on the design and style (only stipulation being halfblock, cooked cobble and glass), being as it appeared no one wanted to; very little work got done, every time i logged on there was something i had to fix in the limited time i had XD

I'm up for doing this at some point, think it would be good to have a library as part of it though. Bookcases, shelves, steps leading up to a veranda with tables/chairs etc?

The other issue we have is the vault being bedrock. I'm not sure how much we can change e.g. entrances. I quite like the current open entrance, so people walk through some big doors and then down to the vault. This way we can also have other stuff located in the left and right sides of the bank.

Library one side and I don't know... an auction house on the other? I know there is one in the vault, but it might be nice to design a proper one. Art gallery wouldn't be a bad call either. Even if these places serve no purpose, they are nice to look around and not exactly a waste of space.

see this is the kind of discussion i wanted on spawn, i was only there to facilitate and help develop the ideas (and good ideas they area aypez!)
Could you add my name on the whitelist please?


I mainly play on the World of Minecraft servers, but since I saw this I might as well pop in from time to time. :)
Anyone have spare webspace they could donate for the server?

Thinking a news/announcement page and possibly a forum?

I can put it up on fabienO.com/MineCraft/ or something. I can set it up tonight. I have an MC design I did I can tweak for our use.


though the url might be better as something like

fabieno.com/ocukmc/ or /ocmc/. Details.

FTR. The point of the page is a ref point for updates/news rules etc. Otherwise this thread spams through and updates get lost.
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Just chucking ideas around :)

Mainly the thought was because the main mc thread here gets clogged up with lots of stuff and you end up with pages of stuff to trawl through. Seperate forum would mean seperate posts. But it may well be overkill :)

Rather than a forum I think a shoutbox type of message system would be enough for people to leave messages :)

But again this forum and in-game chat + mumble has been enough so far.

I'm hoping more people start using Mumble :)
I would use mumble, what mic do I need?

Mickey taking is better over voice than in game chat haha
I think something that can be used to update is a good idea, having to go through 2-3 pages on the forum can get a bit of a pain, but then I would probalby read both anyway.

I normally use Mumble when I play games but have been away for a week on a crap PC so could not.
In that case I would like to put in an application for the small plot of land between the OcUK shop and the bank.

Having considered there will be loads of shops/etc I think the main purpose will be to provide easy access to untouched caves far away on the map. I already have a tunnel that leads from spawn to my main trainstation that is relatively direct and took and my friend me around 3 days to dig. ITS A LONG WAY AWAY.

There are several large cave systems that I can connect it to that are completely unexplored (I just dont have time), so I think the purpose of the building would be to allow groups of people access whenever they needed to brand new mines and then ask for some kind of donation in an honesty box if people beleive the cave was worth their while.

Ideally the actual shop could deal in exclusively ores and offer more competitive prices than the main shop so that people who have spent an hour digging and have a mix of ores can trade all the ores they dont want for the ones they do.

please tell me if this sounds retarded... i think it might be quite nice :)
I have my own dedicated server if you would like some space/hosting.

Let me know

Can also install the forum for you :)

Dont mind buying the domain too :D :D

Rizo, you host I build? A collab :D All we need is a DB and a lot of love.
hello to the first day of the rest of your life.

i'd like to apologise somewhat for my behaviour this morning and offer what blocks i have in my inventory ( those that were stored there whilst rebuilding spawn) to those affected by my rash decision, however, however rash it may have been it does not excuse the fact that people simply can not follow clear rules and guidelines, spawn was not to build on willy nilly, there were clearly designated plots (both in-game and in the old thread) that had just been ignored and regardless of the sign posts used, the bank building was clearly designated bank, the spawn hall likewise as well as the server shop (run by aypez) and the station (the building of which has been completed and looks very good, in keeping with the rest of spawn.) and the community build area, i made it clear that this area was for approved projects only, people who came with useful ideas (ie not carbon copy shops) were to be given space to build them, hence why tefal got a plot (server shop was for materials, tefals was for pre-made objects). if you wanted to build there you should have asked.

to the person who mentioned my 'period'; yes i was very angry that someone had led a creeper to the entrance to the mine i was using for spawn materials, but i've been in the thread every day since posting and commenting, there was plenty of opportunity to ask for spawn building permission, unlike some i don't have the ability to spend my entire day on the server babysitting and so i used what little time i've had this past week (if you'd bothered to read my posts detailing what needed doing in spawn whilst i was away (for reasons which i mentioned) you would have seen this) to try and keep some small online presence and connection to the community in a meaningful way by at least having some involvement on here. perhaps now instead of complaining about me having a moan about my stuff being destroyed (stuff which wasn't even for me) you'll understand,.

try and see it from my perspective, i spent a lot of time just planning the spawn let alone the time i spent putting it in to place along with the help of a few others, twice i've had the time i put in wasted by people who have a disregard for what other people have spent there time doing. i think i share tefals pain somewhat, both of us had grand ideas and marked of the space to do them, others have disrespected this (despite how spacious the world is) to build whatever the heck they want right where we asked them not to.

I am speaking on my behalf and the majority of the involved parties when I say, thank you for the explanation. It does clear a few things up and puts a your point across.

I would like to apologise for my rant also.

Lets make this server work as a team everyone.

Internet hugz !? Anyone !? no ? cmon at least you Furburger !?

Damien aka Verado350.
Also would like to add that the mail system in the game works pretty well too so that could be used for messaging.

Looks like you have some web design skills FabienO :p But will you be using a cms etc? Aka Joomla :p If so I can help out with content.
between fabien and rizo, can you sort out the hosting. Rizo, ideally if you can set me up with an ftp access so I can upload the new up to date cartograph I have so that players can access it.

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