OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

Guys i've given up exploring the cave I found, it's simply too large for 1 person. I've been in there around 6-8 hours and it's still growing. 500 torches so far.

600 coal
100 iron
2 diamonds
100 lapis
200 redstone
so far so I got my worth out of the top section.

It's set as my home and is public - feel free to explore. I know at the bottom of it theres several black areas I haven't gotten too and you'll definately open up more areas as you mine. It's far from finished. There is also obsidian and lava in there.

I'd love to see what a graphic of that cave system looks like cos it's absolutely enormous, just when you think you've cracked it you find another enormous section open up.
Aye it certainly does look massive. I need to have a proper look in there at some point. Looks like their will be a lot of materials to get too.

The one thing I hate about Minecraft is how quickly a day goes by, I barely get time to explore and try to find somewhere for a house before I have to go home and hide out.
Think the server will need a restart when possible.
At present there is major lag, which is affecting everything including the day/night cycles.
I was wondering... where are all these cakes coming from? I've spotted 3, one in the airport office. Whoever gave me cake and donated a ton of cobble, nice one! I'll get back on the airport in a couple of days when I've finished my end of uni boozing :D

It seems Joachim is the cake fairy. Thanks joach!

I left a ton of cobble in your airport last week. I thought it might inspire you to carry on work with it!
Hey guys, is there anyway to change the way the game looks with texture packs online? Do they work on this server?

yes texture pack work on any server.
as it is client side only.

Many have been suggested by members here
personally i have come to like the minecraft enhanced pack.
I'd guess that the server lag issues are due to Crowd Control. How is the ghast spawning in the nether? If it's not problematic I might just dump crowd control for now.
Trouble with the nether from spawn is there's no "outside" or open air bits, it's all underground/cave systems. Don't think I've even seen a ghast yet.
Can anyone tell me how to install minecraft enhanced texture pack becuase i have no idea on how to make it work. I downloaded and put the pack into the texture pack folder but I could only find the 1.4 version and when I try to load it minecraft crashed and with it there i cant get into the server.
read the instructions.

-Unzip the file contents into your /.minecraft directory, if you need help finding this folder you will need to know where it is for any texture set so there are plenty of guides on this.

- Run the MCpatcher and select the "minecraft enhanced v1.4_01 texture.zip" that was contained in the zip for the textures. Make sure all the boxes are checked and click patch.

-Optional but recommended download the mod pack and copy zip contents the class files into your minecraft.jar, also download the moon/sun pack and copy the contents of the 256x pr 64x folder into your Minecraft.jar into the "terrain" directory This is the same place the normal "moon.png" is make sure you get them with the other one of the mod won't work right.

- REALLY OPTIONAL AND NOT RECOMMENDED SHADERS Download the shaders and read the readme included it will explain the Presets and you can pick what works best for you. Just run the installer of your choosing and it should automatically work.

If you have any problems with installing, there are numerous videos on youtube how to install this pack or any other. Really this is something you're going to have to learn anyway if you are going to mod minecraf it's not difficult once you get the hang of it.
Is the unstable land area 1.4 or 1.3? (or 1.5!)

I've been mining there for a couple of weeks on and off now, found abut 6 or 7 dungeons and not a single bean in the 10+ chests I've looked into.
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