OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

Whos the guy that I was bulding the carree mansion thing out on the snow below a big castle. I need his name so that i can tele there and work on it while he is offline.
I'm willing to accept any donations of Wood / Glass to help finish my house off :p

Also, Thanks for the admin's for actually showing an effort and coming to see the damange. Wasn't expecting it. (I didn't think we had any ass hats left on the server)
I did say to you what i done, It was by mistake i didnt think removing the block would make the flow of lava do that..

Guess thats me banned why didnt you message me before you atleast gone to an admin?

I've no idea what you've done lemons but the key thing to rememeber is: it takes some people a LOT of time and effort to build what they've built so never remove any blocks from in or around their house or creations even if it seems very insignificant.

I generally stick to my own patch of land and my own mine and that's it, removing blocks from others will never go down well.
I did say to you what i done, It was by mistake i didnt think removing the block would make the flow of lava do that..

Guess thats me banned why didnt you message me before you atleast gone to an admin?


Atm you're just removed from white list till the admins have been able to talk.

i didnt think removing the block would make the flow of lava do that..

And the signs?
Whos the guy that I was bulding the carree mansion thing out on the snow below a big castle. I need his name so that i can tele there and work on it while he is offline.

this one:

That's Jongo's afaik
closest place to TP to it is my house (cypher_aod)

Leave through the front door (make sure you close it) and walk in that direction - not very far away.
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I understand fully the fact i shouldnt remove peoples blocks, but initially tummy brought me and eddie over to his house to help us out and to show us a couple of things that we didnt know, So i took the time to have a look and pick up some ideas, He then went on to show us his lava wall and i was intrigued how the whole thing worked so i took one bit of glass out to see how it was all working behind, Ofcourse being a little bit new to the game i had no idea that the lava would start flowing out..

In that split moment of time i got worried so i rushed about trying to fix it taking 1 or two blocks with me (as far as i knew the lava would flow all over the room didnt realise it stopped) and with regards to the signs that was just a little fun i dug them straight back up.

I'm not classing myself as innocent because i know that im in the wrong it all came down to being a little bit to nosey and i appologise to tummy for the trouble i have caused, I'll accept any action given for my actions.

I did say to you what i done, It was by mistake i didnt think removing the block would make the flow of lava do that..

Guess thats me banned why didnt you message me before you atleast gone to an admin?


No, you didn't :)

First I knew about what had happened inside was when I typed /home and there was damage.
Really?.. I typed it, then i went outside you were building that brick path so i was waiting for you to go inside and look at the damage lol

i used that command: /msg <player> <msg>

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I've just bought a copy of MineCraft (better late to the party than never eh!?) and was planning on coming onto the OcUK server to have a look around if that's ok? I don't want to ruin anything so chances are I'll merely take a look at what's possible rather than make anything myself, but we'll see!

Any tips for beginners!?
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