OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" DISCUSSION

danza said:
Hmmmmm, never really tried candid. I did have a bash in Londonistan not long ago, and got a couple of good images. I think I'll head down to a very crowded Brighton one weekend soon, perhaps the Lanes with their interesting buidings and people......
Better hurry, Brighton isn't so buzzing in winter ;)
Joe seems to have gone for the more... "modern" style of candid photography. All that talk about candid/street photography about being an art form not a way of perving went straight out the window I see.
cyKey said:
Joe seems to have gone for the more... "modern" style of candid photography. All that talk about candid/street photography about being an art form not a way of perving went straight out the window I see.

It may not be my final enty, but its what I got at the moment. :D
Joe T said:

It may not be my final enty, but its what I got at the moment. :D
Sorry Joe couldn't help pointing out the obvious in your photo... :D

Candid ok this is gonna be a hard one for me, as many have said this will really push my comfort zone but gives me a chance to get over my shyness and maybe use my first L glass purchase instead of a massive zooooooom!

Good luck to all!

Cracking first entry already ;) :D
this is going to be an interesting round i think. i have never done any candid photography before so at least im doing something new, and definately out of my comfort zone. i will have a couple of good oportunities to get the shots though.

will have to see how things go.
Found something rom my last trip to Brighton. It's not ideal, and the original was a bit :/ and needed some cloning work.



It'll do if I can't find anything else suitable.
cyKey said:
Now the interesting question is, who's will be more candid than the others to get super high theme marks? Will we have people hidden in bushes? I expect morgan to post a wedding shot, mrk too or perhaps a relative ;)

leave me out of this :D I'm not touching another ocuk comp untill the judging is sorted out and the border rule gets scrapped ;)

great ass shot joe btw. You win, next round please :)
King_Boru said:
Good chance to get my Sigma 100 - 300 f4 out, camo up and hide in a bush all day in town.


Bah, I say there should be a maximum (looks at 18-70) 70mm (!) focal length rule :p
Joe T said:
It may not be my final enty, but its what I got at the moment. :D
The guy with the hat is out of focus Joe, sloppy, have a look and see if there's any more we can critique :D ;)
Put up a possible entry, taken at the anti war protest in Manchester the other week....still processing them due to lack of PC recently so it'll probably change! But thats my mate stood on a big grey box thing in the street outside Beetham Tower (Hilton) :)
no idea if its 'candid' but my entry is up.
am i allowed to tweak the photo like that? (duplicated layer > set to overlay) if not i will replace it with the original :)
Personally i don't think Candid means taking a photo in secret, it is more like capturing an image that is natural. Obviously if you hide in a bush with a 500mm lens no one is going to see you from that far away but it doesn't mean it's natual. You can be right next to your subjects are the photo can still be natural, the important thing is that they are comfortable with you taking photos.

Most adults have this fear of cameras, they freeze up, stop what they were doing as soon as they spot a camera out of the corner of their eyes. So you either have to be quick to catch them totally unaware or do it enough they don't care at all.

The most sucessful candid capture moments, this moment tells a story of the day of the subject(s)'s life in that moment. There is no rule whether the subjects is looking at the camera or not, some works, some don't, it is all down to the subject and your technique.
Raymond Lin said:
The most sucessful candid capture moments, this moment tells a story of the day of the subject(s)'s life in that moment. There is no rule whether the subjects is looking at the camera or not, some works, some don't, it is all down to the subject and your technique.

Thats my feeling too. A good candid provides insight into characters, tells a story, shows emotion, etc. Its not just a snapshot of someone sitting on a bench or walking down a street.
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