OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" DISCUSSION

Just a heads up to Psilonaught, not sure if you noticed, but IMO your image may be disqualified when the comp ends, the exif suggests it was taken on 16th April 2006 and one of the rules states they need to be taken on or after 6 September 2006.

Could be an incorrect Exif header, but thought id let you know so youve got time to reshot if necessary.

Suppose whilst im at it, nero120 your image has 2 borders.. which again is a disqual... hope this helps and isnt taken the wrong way.
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what does

* Minimum Bribe Level: Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II


also what do you think of my entry? is it better than my motion one?
iBot said:
what does

* Minimum Bribe Level: Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II


It means if you bribe the judges with anything less than the Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II camera, you will be disqualified. :)
TerraS said:
It means if you bribe the judges with anything less than the Canon EOS-1Ds Mk II camera, you will be disqualified. :)

So if I buy them an eos mk2 they will let me win?
iBot - that photo is taken in bridlington isn't it, the otherside of the building on the right is the harbour (literally, the building stops and there are the boats) and you're just underneath the shadow of the dreadful ebor flats which is on the left.

are you a fellow brid'ite or just a tourist?
DreederOcUK said:
Just a heads up to Psilonaught, not sure if you noticed, but IMO your image may be disqualified when the comp ends, the exif suggests it was taken on 16th April 2006 and one of the rules states they need to be taken on or after 6 September 2006.

Could be an incorrect Exif header, but thought id let you know so youve got time to reshot if necessary.

Suppose whilst im at it, nero120 your image has 2 borders.. which again is a disqual... hope this helps and isnt taken the wrong way.

bugger didn't realise there was that rule :(

not sure am going to have time to take another as i just moved house
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Just posted my photo upto the competition.
First time ive done this so i will really like to see the out come of the shot and to find out what people think.

Shot Taken at Notts County While they were playing Southampton the other night in a cup game.
They won 2-0
This guy is a regular there works for the county web site i think. Just manged to catch him as he walked passed.

Good luck to veryone btw :)
Broadbandplacey said:
iBot - that photo is taken in bridlington isn\'t it, the otherside of the building on the right is the harbour (literally, the building stops and there are the boats) and you\'re just underneath the shadow of the dreadful ebor flats which is on the left.

are you a fellow brid\'ite or just a tourist?

Spot on :)

Sadly I went up there for a Funeral :(

It\'s a lovely harbour although I feel my photographer skills didnt do it justice


Check the photogallery on the side for tons of brid pictures :)
Reposted with a slight upping in the curves and slightly sharpened.
Brightness increased from the curves. my photoshop skills are ok but limited. I think this an immprovment on the original post though.
iBot said:
Spot on :)

Sadly I went up there for a Funeral :(

It\'s a lovely harbour although I feel my photographer skills didnt do it justice


Check the photogallery on the side for tons of brid pictures :)

ah sorry to hear that, glad you had time shooting in and around brid though

it may be a cesspit but if you know where you're looking there are some good opportunities for photo.
Well mine is up - Candid Floss!

best i could do in blackpool yesterdays - awful weather wile i was there. I had a similar picture in my head, but could not get it on the day.

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