OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" DISCUSSION

I think a few shots are more of a portrate style also, but its all a learning curve. I really like adwrights shot it has a real feel to it, my favourite to win imo.

I do prefer the photo you have up now as i thought your first one was to set up. This new photo has been captured in the moment of it happening, which is what i depict candid photography to be, straight off the hip.
cyKey said:
Huh really? You're saying this one seems faker?

Nooo , didn't mean that at all :eek:

In my dictionary ;) candid means personal , honest , an insight into the persons thoughts / feelings. The first seems to hits those points strongly (IMO etc)
howell80 said:
I do prefer the photo you have up now as i thought your first one was to set up. This new photo has been captured in the moment of it happening, which is what i depict candid photography to be, straight off the hip.

mrgubby said:
Nooo , didn't mean that at all :eek:

In my dictionary ;) candid means personal , honest , an insight into the persons thoughts / feelings. The first seems to hits those points strongly (IMO etc)

Nuts :D
Is it just me, or does it strike anyone else that there are a lot of shots that wouldn't be classed as candid, in this competition?

I'm waiting for my 30D to come before I do anything at the mo :D
apart from the fact the mine is too old to be legally submitted, does anyone have any feedback on it? I have to say it's one of my favourite people shots that I have taken and am very happy with it, but there are no comments... :(
A entry for me that doesn't really capture the essence of candid at all imo :( I did specifically go out to get some candid shots a couple of times and have got a few OKish 'street' shots (which I might post later) but nothing 'candid' that I like really, so gonna have to stick with this unless I can do better this w/e (unlikely)

bam0 is the Santa on a day off? :p

Psilonaught, I'm sure you've posted that before. I find the compo a tad awkward tbh.
Right. I've changed mine (for the best?). I took this at a local fireworks display using the fireworks as a 'natural' flash. I *think* I prefer this to my old entry.

First outing with the nifty-fifty too. Quite a nice wee lens! :cool:


I really like Howell80's shot. The guy looks more like he should have a scoped rifle slung over his back than a 1D :D
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I was hoping to get to a firework display to photography the crowds reactions, but unfortunately im not going to be able.

Anyone care to comment on this picture...

I think the eye contact and facial expression make for a more interesting entry than my existing...

thats mine in, just in time as i nearly forgot about this. not sure about others but i found this very hard to interpret. some great entries in though i have to say.

no doubt this will be a tough one for the judges again. good luck fellas ;)
Cheers Colin.

I've found that most of the images I've taken with my 20D are keepers, and many that I took with my Nikon D100 were deleted straight away (current comp entry 20D, previous D100). The metering on my 20D is streets ahead of the D100 (a common niggle with the D100 is to vastly under expose, hence a lot of detail goes awol). Many people blame the D100's problems on lack of user experience and metering technique, but I don't think that's fair really. The 20D is far more accurate, and so far I've had not a single problem...
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