OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Two - "Religion" Discussion

Seriously guys and gals, Im struggling to think of anything here, the only thought I have got could be quite interesting but i would need 5 loaves, 5 fishes and 5000 volunteers. :confused:
DreederOcUK said:
Seriously guys and gals, Im struggling to think of anything here, the only thought I have got could be quite interesting but i would need 5 loaves, 5 fishes and 5000 volunteers. :confused:

It was 2 fishes btw :p
DreederOcUK said:
Seriously guys and gals, Im struggling to think of anything here, the only thought I have got could be quite interesting but i would need 5 loaves, 5 fishes and 5000 volunteers. :confused:

Ye olde Gravy Yard? Or you chicken?
Weve already got 3 or 4 graveyard shots so im avoiding that option, and also YES hell YES im scared to go in there.

As for the fishes.... how should I know Im as religious as a banana.... I knew it was fishes and bread though.

Ive just been told about a possible photo op that might just fit the bill though, a religious protest in Manchester about the Jerry Springer musical, might nip on and see if I can capture something religiousey.
DreederOcUK said:
Seriously guys and gals, Im struggling to think of anything here, the only thought I have got could be quite interesting but i would need 5 loaves, 5 fishes and 5000 volunteers. :confused:
already had that idea myself lol, though it was water into wine lol.
i'm struggling to think of anything but the obvious so i may have to go for the obvious.
But if you can go for the obvious and put a great angle on it, you'll have worked more of a challenge than trying to be 100% original to the rest. If that makes sense.

You could advertise yourself as a funeral photographer... Ok, that might be a little od, but it'd be funny (and a little creepy) if anyone took up the offer.

The protest march would be a great one. Journalist style photos are always some of the best as they're not staged in anyway. Raw real life.

What about ye old soap box preecher? A montage of someone in prayer would be a good idea.

I'm just throwing some inspiration in there as I don't have the time to enter myself, nor the skills either.
JimmyEatWorms said:
Lack of skill has never stopped me :p

I'm really struggling with this theme...:(

got a really good idea for this (well i think so). but i run the risk of being sturck down by lightning if i do it :eek:

will have to wait and see if i can get the things together and pull it off.

No ideas for me either as yet, not really a religious person.

I do have a question about churches though, are you free to go in them and around their grounds and just take photo's? If you can I may just get myself over to a couple of local ones and see what turns up.

ive got an idea. the props, and the time, but the skill i fear may be lacking....give me a few days and i will let you know! :)
got my entry in, photoshop work on it are darkening down and sharpening, the main shot was backlit and used a torch to highlight the cross, photoshoped it a little darker, bit of tweaking, sharpened, convert to mono
Fstop11 said:
I thought wooden men were Atheists :P

Didnt have any Jesus dolls to hand :D :o :eek:

..though Sticky floats, and i reckons he might just burn too, so he might be a witch :p
TomWilko said:
I do have a question about churches though, are you free to go in them and around their grounds and just take photo's? If you can I may just get myself over to a couple of local ones and see what turns up.

I think most churches will be ok as long as you ask first.
Hmm, well here in rainy nottingham I'm also stuck for ideas :confused:

Plus, i've also missed the 3 hour window of sunshine we get here a month, so that puts any stained-glass-window shots out.

Many churches appreciate a small donation if you shoot inside, and usually a little more if you shoot inside with a tripod.
People have always been happy to let me shoot outside for free, although some have asked for copies of photos for their use :)
Serious lack of inspiration here as well, have one idea but not sure how it will look or work out so very glad the compo entry date is still relatively far away.

As this round might just be a score anything round as struggling.

MichaelG said:
Hmm, well here in rainy nottingham I'm also stuck for ideas :confused:

Plus, i've also missed the 3 hour window of sunshine we get here a month, so that puts any stained-glass-window shots out.

Many churches appreciate a small donation if you shoot inside, and usually a little more if you shoot inside with a tripod.
People have always been happy to let me shoot outside for free, although some have asked for copies of photos for their use :)

Interesting to know thankyou :)
Mine is also up, possibly not the same standard as a couple that are already up there, but I tried to come at it from a different angle.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a competition where there will be some very very good entries late on!

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