OcUK Poker 09 Season

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will speak to you tommorow bout this unless your all sorted that is.

Would anyone have any knowledge in how we could present the league standings and data in a better format? I was thinking along the lines of SidtheTurtle's Gamertag site over in Consoles. I would also like to be able to generate reports and graphs for each player.

If anyone would have any suggestions then please add me to msn. My address is in my trust.

Gilly - the most we had last year was 32 in a game so today was high enough. We average around 27-30 each week.


15th for me on 1st go:)

Was really enjoying it and doing well until I had a run of bad cards and then basically threw it all away with a braindead all in:D Oh well there's always next week.

Well done to the winner.
More than normal, we had 31 today and normally it's in the region of 24-28 so it went well :) Although I thinks more people have become interested so it's not down to the earlier start. However I think we should have it at 8:30 so it's fairer for everyone.

Gonna hold everyone to that. Some of us have to arrange things with wives hehe
It hasn't been but in my opinion 8.30 is a good trend to keep it until Top Gear comes back on which was also the general consensus.
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