OcUK Poker '11 Season

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Hi Guys. Sorry for the delay in getting the scores up. I've been very busy. Congrats to Craig for the win. Scores are now up for your viewing pleasure.

I'm at the cinema tonight. I always seem to be too busy on a Sunday evening to play or have my full attention on it! :(
Hi Guys,

i just saw there is an Overclockers Poker Freeroll today at Poker Idol!


Can someone give me the password please?

Thanks, chikyu
Is there a game tonight ?
(on Pokerstars)

doesnt look like it, first sunday i've been free too heh


Yes there is one tonight. It's just gone up and is available. The winner will be crowed tonight and in the event of a tie on points it will fall to the most wins and continue to move down the places if there still is a tie.

Pokerstars baby!

Good like to all those involved tonight..... Tombrrrrrrr (i mean it this time) youre going down!
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