OcUK Poker '11 Season

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Yes there is one tonight. It's just gone up and is available. The winner will be crowed tonight and in the event of a tie on points it will fall to the most wins and continue to move down the places if there still is a tie.


Uh.... Thats it?

Thought this was supposed to last the entire year.... :(
Play seriosuly for 12 weeks and my tourney life was runined by an idiot who got super lucky going all in with every hand who hasn'tplayed in it before. Not really fair but nothing you can do except maybe stop new people joining really late next year.
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It ended a bit flat (still in at the moment but am getting nothing)but cheers for the close game peeps.

Was looking forward to a heads up with oc or tomb! Next time yeah? :)
Congrats to Skuky! If you email, via trust I'll send you the signature for you to proudly so off! Thanks for very taking part, it's been an epic close contest. If any of you have any suggests/comments/improvements that I could make let me know. Also would you like a mini game around Autumn?


Play seriosuly for 12 weeks and my tourney life was runined by an idiot who got super lucky going all in with every hand who hasn'tplayed in it before. Not really fair but nothing you can do except maybe stop new people joining really late next year.

your chips were tasty
Many thanks to Blackvault for organising the tournaments. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the games. I look forward to the next season whenever that may be.

My feedback / opinions ...

The points structure as it stands (10 points to 1 points for 1st to 10th place and 1 additional point for attendance) seems good and fair to me. It encourages attendance with a suitable reward.

Some new (/explicit) rules for consideration ...

The additional point for attendance is the only recognition of games played.

Minimum attendance (i.e. not "Sitting out") (e.g. 50% of your total game time) to be eligible for points for a given game.

Minimum attendance (e.g. 50% of all games) to be recognised in final results.

No new joiners to tournament once 50% of all games haven taken place. Alternatively, have a very well advertised application period with a deadline - once deadline reached, no more applications accepted.

Personally, I would also like to see players abilities stretched by playing 8-Game or HORSE tournaments - maybe alternate between HORSE/8-Game and Hold'em. Also, Pot/Fixed Limit Hold'em rather than always No Limit might stretch players abilities too. However, I am unsure how that would impact attendance overall.
Thanks for arranging it this year :)

Have to agree with no new players during the second half of the tournament maybe?
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Great tournament, thanks for organizing it all BV.

I kinda agree with the rule that people are suggesting about people joining late on, but don't think it should be so strict, maybe limit new joiners up until 75% is complete or like 2/3 weeks till the end of the league.

Also maybe suggest doing a HU knock-out tournament? So it's kinda like doing the Premier League but with the League Cup along side it :)
Been good fun guys.

And thank so much taking on my suggestion to move to PokerStars. It was good to play among fellow OCUK member only!

Here another suggestion..... Registration (to the league) should close 2 or 3 weeks after the first session. This way we wont have people joining the league late or at the very end!
I joined the last tournament and won (Sir Fegis \0/) and didnt play weird or 'ruin' it. But really a tournament or league, either you lock it out from start to finish but half way doesnt even make sense.

Whether it happened to a player at the 1st of 12, or the last 12/12 game it doesnt matter. You will always get players in tournaments that do crazy stuff and talk smack a lá Tony G, and Luke Schartz. Locking it half way just favours those who get a better start in the first 6 games.

I know im new and maybe my 2 cents don't count as much.

I see 3 choices to be completely fair

1.) full lock out for all 12 games
2.) no lock out
3.) like premier league poker tourny. Play X amount of games and then top 18 or whatever are re-invited back for a "final" winner takes all tournament.
Your third option sounds good!

Actually i remember now its expanded a bit.

Premier league tourny is like this. Lets assume its 10 games then a winner takes all event. In those 10 qualifying games. Winner gets say 10 points. 2nd 8points, 3rd 6points etc.

Then the top 9 re-invited for winner takes all final table. each 1 point = a set amount of chips (say 200chips). So after 10 games, if #1 has 100 points, he has 100 x 200 chips. So the person on top of the 10 qualifying games will have the most chips at the final table. To reflect on his league position and rewards those who play well during Quali..

NOt sure if this is possible to set chip stacks...
Noto - thats a nice idea in theory but it would take a lot of organising and afaik you can modify the starting chips.

I say keep it as it is but with a closing date for registering then do a top 10 heads up tournament once the league is finished
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