Many thanks to Blackvault for organising the tournaments. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the games. I look forward to the next season whenever that may be.
My feedback / opinions ...
The points structure as it stands (10 points to 1 points for 1st to 10th place and 1 additional point for attendance) seems good and fair to me. It encourages attendance with a suitable reward.
Some new (/explicit) rules for consideration ...
The additional point for attendance is the only recognition of games played.
Minimum attendance (i.e. not "Sitting out") (e.g. 50% of your total game time) to be eligible for points for a given game.
Minimum attendance (e.g. 50% of all games) to be recognised in final results.
No new joiners to tournament once 50% of all games haven taken place. Alternatively, have a very well advertised application period with a deadline - once deadline reached, no more applications accepted.
Personally, I would also like to see players abilities stretched by playing 8-Game or HORSE tournaments - maybe alternate between HORSE/8-Game and Hold'em. Also, Pot/Fixed Limit Hold'em rather than always No Limit might stretch players abilities too. However, I am unsure how that would impact attendance overall.