OCUK Rolling Road Day 9 - Its booked!

im im for such a ribbing. Went to a wedding this weekend, panicking about being late, unfamiliar multi storey car park and heard the worst noise a motorist can hear, the noise of alloy wheel against kerb.

Got a horrible gouge in the offside rear wheel, and no time to get it refurbed before the RR. I await the women driver jokes :(
should have told them at the interview westy

you've got a prior family engagement ( say its a wedding or something) and could you please have this as booked holiday.

Just not dedicated enough tbh ;)
Would like to come to this, unfortunately i wont have money to put petrol in my car, and also i aint got the day off yet!

unless someone is willing to give me a lift, in which case i should be able to get the day off and come
Would like to come to this, unfortunately i wont have money to put petrol in my car, and also i aint got the day off yet!

unless someone is willing to give me a lift, in which case i should be able to get the day off and come

Where abouts are you? I'm in north Reading, could give you a lift if you're not too much out of the way. :)
should have told them at the interview westy

you've got a prior family engagement ( say its a wedding or something) and could you please have this as booked holiday.

Just not dedicated enough tbh ;)

To be honest, I never actually had an interview :o

Although, I was going to try that, so we'll see. Fingers crossed :)
I'll come to this if its not too late. I wont be running though and will most likely not eat at the pub.

Princey, Astra VXR, No

I'm in Halesowen and will be willing to take anyone within a 10 mile radius of the my route if they want to spectate.
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Demote me to spectator please. Not sure if I'm going to make this. Mums birthday and the SAAB needs some work doing which narrows the months budget a little bit.
I'm not going to turn up now. Someone thought it would be a great lark to drop a brick off a bridge onto the windscreen of my Cefiro as I was driving down the A40, fortunately it hit the passenger side so the only injury I have is a bit of glass on the inside of one eyelid (which the utterly useless NHS can't remove as the eye clinic is only open on fridays)

I doubt my insurance are going to find me a new windscreen in 2 weeks, and the Volvo needs to be restricted to essential trips only since I'm pretty sure it's coolant consumption is down to HGF rather than a leak.
Oh, yeah, forgot the pictures



I'm more annoyed about the boot damage. A windscreen claim is cheap (£60 excess) but a vandalism claim is £250 excess. At least I wont lose my NCB though. They originally wanted to do it as an RTA (£650 excess and NCB loss) until I pointed out that their definition of vandalism in the policy doesn't state if the vehicle is stationary or not, just malicious damage caused by a pedestrian, which this is.

The police found this


in the other lane. This may have been the implement in question, but the pattern of damage is wrong so this may have been a separate attempt by the same people.

The car will likely be off the road for a while now, at the very least for however long it takes to ship a replacement windscreen from Japan because you can be pretty certain that they don't make them for the Cefiro at Pilkingtons.
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