OCUK Rolling Road Meet 4 - Bolt on Goodies - Official Sign Up Thread

18 Oct 2002
New Thread for lack of clutter.

ONLY post in this thread to say you are going, DO NOT use this for conversation about the meet. I will be asking dons to delete any chatting posts as it makes my life a living hell to sift through 20 pages of posts come the week before the meet to see who is actually coming.

OCUK Rolling Road Day 4

Date - July 1st 2006
Venue - Powerstation - see their site here
Arrival Time - 8:30-9am arrival for runners @ powerstation, First car on the rollers shortly after.
Plan - Lots of pro OCUK cars do power runs, we all go deaf, then drive to the pub for food. Expect to be finished at powerstation by 11-11:30 ish then a 30 minute drive to the pub.

Costs -

All runners need to pay £30 for a power run, In honesty, I think the bank account option at this time is too much like hard work, so please ensure YOU BRING THE EXACT MONEY IN CASH to the venue, ta
All people who do a power run will be bought a drink at the pub by myself from my own money as a way of saying thanks.(no bottles of vodka mind !)

Location Map -

The plan is to do a video of how to get to powerstation from both the north and southbound carridgeway as well as a map so that everyone can familiarise themselves with the route. I'll also be bringing detailed instructions on how to get from powerstation to the pub, as we lost a few last time. I'll have my mobile number on this sheet on the day so people can call me if they get lost.



Wanting to attend ?

Simple, Reply below with your Name, Car, and if you are running or not. so .. for example

Drexel, RX7, Yes
Fox, BMW 5 Series, Yes
Conanius, Ford Puma, Yes
Simon, Rover 220 Turbo Yes


R220, Prelude, No

If Your Running .. what do I need to do?-

Please e-mail me at my blueyonder address kore@ blue yonder.co.uk (no spaces) with your mobile number so I can contact you on the day if your running late to see what the situation is. Saves me a lot of hassle also.

Running Order -

Nearer the time I will be organsiing the running order so that all the same wheelbase cars run back to back, this saves powerstation a fair amount of time, and they have requested it again this time.

My Requests -

I know everyone is out to have a good time, so please on arrival to powerstation, keep lunacy to a minium, leave it for the trip to the pub/pub car park please. No random wheelspings or handbrakes turns eh Dave n Mike ;)

Camera Men ! -

rG-Tom is now the official camera man for this, alongside AustinPowers. FIngers crossed we shoudl get some good pics of the cars, as well as all the run videos. Other people are more than welcome to bring along cameras.

When I get there....

ONLY park inside the Powerstation carpark if you are doing a power run, this makes like much easier for me when trying to tick off who has arrived. Anyone who parks inside the compound area and who is not doing a power run will be asked to move the car outside of the fenced area

Any Questions ?

Please e-mail me at my blueyonder address as above

As stated above, please only post in this thread to say you are going...

Runners List - need a miniumum of 15 ! Max 30 (if 30 is reached, there will then be 5 reserves to allow for drop outs, first come first served !)

Note - Bold on any of the lists below are people who have confirmed they will DEFINATELY turn up

28/06/2006 - NO MORE SIGNUPS ! 25 cars listed below. 15 MUST run on the day, if we are short, spectators, expect to be begged !

Hilly, Focus ST3
Goliath, Focus RS
Dez, Mondeo ST24
Lashout UK, Triumph 1500
Paradigm, Leon Cupra R
Will, MX5 Turbo
L0rdMike- MR2 Turbo
Bear, Nissan 200SX S14a
Bigsy, Civic type-r - people appear to be kipping at your house the night before, so assume your coming too !
Merlin, DC5 Teggy R
FakeSnake, Jeep
Nickxx, BMW 330D
F355, Alfa 146ti
Simon - Car X
Smokes, Rover 220 GSI Turbo
AustinPowers, Rover 820 Turbo
The_0ne Ibiza Cupra
Mr Six, mk4 Golf
WillGill, Scoob P1
Gobbo - Primera GT
Gibbo - Saleen Mustang
Emma - Fiesta Zetec S
PMKeates (Sam Keates) - 98 Ford Mondeo 2.0L Ghia
Panthro - Clio 172


Westy, 205 GTi
Firestar_3x (Mark), mx5

Sam, mx5 - pretty sure this is silicon slave... if so, not coming
daz, toyota paseo,
Rob, Fiesta,
Zirax, Focus,
Willd58, Fiesta ZS,
TinkerBell, Corsa ,
Saitrix, 1.6 Focus,
Mike, MX5,
Sam, FRP
Berger, Rover 220 GSI,
rG-Tom - Mondeo
Chenko - FTO
Mad Old Tory - Megane
Matt - Seat Leon
ripz, mini
Trick, Elise S2
Fox, BMW 528 Sport (subject to miracle)
Vertigo, A3 TDi


Morthoseth(Oli) / Hyundai Coupe F2 Evo / Yes
Eidolon - Elise
R220 - Rover 416
Townlea - ST220, Maybe
Drexel - 'Estima Repairs..isnt that the wifes car?'
Agw - Rover 220 'rover reliability and running costs'
Iceman - Ford GT

The Dropouts

Wayn0r - Mondeo ST220 * Might not arrive, Banned from driving
Scuzi, Toledo 20v Turbo * Queened out for 'fathers day'
Spaz - ST150 'needed to buy glasses'
Trickle - 200SX 'boost leak'
Lukechad - 'Work unable to let me off'
TheBrasso - 'need to work'
Kitchster_uk - 'Dodge brakes .. what, you brake on the RR!?'
JediFragger, DC2 Teggy R - 'work'
SgtTupac - Rover 220 GSi Turbo - 'no reason'
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paradigm said:
Here come the runner excuses eh sam ;)

Watch that list over 20+ runners drop to 7 confirmed by 30th June!

It never changes mate, ive already discussed the current list of runners with a coupleof people, and theres about 14 that I definately know will be there, the rest could well be a bit of a lottery !!!

obviously I want everyone to turn up, but in reality I need to realised that the polarisation of the earth is about to change and that some of the cars will vanish into the ether.... or whatever... :P

Eidolon definately wins most committed, I think he had to go searching for battery terminal bits on THE DAY of the RR event to make sure he could make it !
Simon said:
I would disagree ;)

I finished putting my engine on the night before last time, ran the car in at 7am in the morning up and down the bypass and then went to get it tracked when the garage opened before leaving on a full rebuild, with no testing, hoping that I hadn't made any mistakes :p

that is quite true actually, id totally forgotten you mapped your car on the road to the RR :p
Scottland said:
I quite fancy attending but I won't be running. I won't know if I can attend until nearer the time though, is that a problem?

not at all, im not that bothered about spectators in honesty, my only real concern is ensuring we have enough runners
eidolon said:
I missed the actual rolling road bit though, only managed to get to the pub part afterwards.

I won't go messing with anything beforehand this time, I promise!

yeah, you went cruising in Gloucester didnt you !!!

L0rdMike said:
Wow 30 people running, wonder how many will actually turn up though.

see my comment further up ;)
how absurd is this... I might not be able to make it !

well, thats a blatent lie, but its gonna cost me a train ticket to do so!

Im now being told for the 2 weeks before the RR day ill be in London working, so potentially if things dont go to plan ill have to stay on an extra week.. if this happens, Ill have to get the train home on friday night to be there !

now, if im gonna do this, NO ONE has an excuse !!!
Siliconslave said:
if i can actually make it i'll be able to offer you a lift there from guildford (about 45 min train from waterloo, no changes....) on the sat morning if you don't mind an early start

Bear said:
I live near London well in Bucks at the end of a tube line so I can give you a lift if needed.

edit: Doh didnt read the post above :o

Cheers for the offers, but ill just get work to send me back on the train, I get a guarenteed train seat if im needed to get home for any reason, so ill just ensure they are happy with that when its all finalised

Will Gill said:
ill be there, ill RR too, just got no idea what car ill be driving

oohh the suspense

good lad, ill update the list now

hilly said:
Why won't you think of the charity ?!!?

he still owes gaz 50 grand for him owning that beemer doesnt he?
Scottland said:
I call shotgun!!! :p

I think you'll find I spoke to dave many months ago.. infact probably before this thread was posted confirming a ride in the DB9.. so if the 360 comes instead, i'll transfer it over with a quick 'RELOAD' !

:cool: ;)
Gibbo said:
Hi there

Is there anybody going from around the North West Midlands area who I can meet up with and follow as I am useless when it comes to finding places so need to follow somebody.

Anyway I wish to go and put my car on the rollers.

Gibbo - Ford Mustang GT - Running! :D

you genuinely cant go wrong mate...

M6, southbound, keep going till you get to the M5 Junction *RAC building on the left just before the exit, the massive Gasometers(sp) on the right a bit further back up the m6 ... get on the m5, then get off at juntion 9.. as you get to the top of the sliproad, turn left (first exit) and then follow the road, you'll see a BP garage on your right (sells ultimate if needed) and a set of traffic lights just ahead of you, take a left at the lights, over the mini roundabout, over the traffic light controlled hump back bridge, turn left, and whoosh, powerstation is on your left.. jobs a goodun.

as I said earlier tho, ill sort some better directions with a video or something
eidolon said:
I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, I checked my diary and that's literally the only week I'll have chance to go on holiday until mid Sept due to work commitments :(

boo..... however IIRC isnt that also when your wanting to sort the elise seats?
eidolon said:
Yeah, the Elise seats will go ahead whatever happens, I'll just drop them off while I'm on hols and pick em up on my return. (they're booked in for 3rd July)

is it at the place at staverton airport? didnt see the result of the thread
eidolon said:
Nahhh, they didn't want to do the Elise seats even though they're the same as the VX.

I'm getting them done at Krych Trimming which is literally 5 mins from where I work. They're a bit more expensive but I've seen the quality of their work before and they only need the car for 3-4 days whereas Lotus wanted a month to retrim the seats.

a month !? jeez.

ah well mate, make sure you enjoy the holiday :)
Trickle said:
Trickle, 200sx, running (or reserve/spectator as I see 31 listed already)

trust me, of all that have signed up to attend, ill be genuinely amazed if 20 turn up... its always the case.. come the week before people start to drop out like flies, right up to the point when you thought they were just running late on the day
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