OCUK Rolling Road Meet 4 - Bolt on Goodies - Official Sign Up Thread

paradigm said:
@ Gibbo, thought you lived in Macclesfield?

If you still do, then follow me down, not a problem.

Live just past Congleton so just say where you want to meet up and I will follow you m8. :)

I also know Si (Jedifragger) is going as well I think he lives in Stoke so maybe the three of us could convoy down....

How far away is this place from Macc?
I think there is already a good 5+ cars that will be convoying down with me, last time we met up at J16 of the M6, a small services (not motorway ones) near Crewe.

Powerstation is about 100 Miles from my house :)

EDIT: The services:

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Trickle said:
Trickle, 200sx, running (or reserve/spectator as I see 31 listed already)

trust me, of all that have signed up to attend, ill be genuinely amazed if 20 turn up... its always the case.. come the week before people start to drop out like flies, right up to the point when you thought they were just running late on the day
Can you pop me down as a maybe/spectator? I didn't realise I'll probably have that weekend off and if my brother's going to make it down from Sheffield (Trickle) I fancy coming along too as I haven't seen him for months!

For the record, car is Elise s2
Matt said:
Matt, Seat Leon
Added, but you didnt say running or not

Trickle said:
Trickle, 200sx, running (or reserve/spectator as I see 31 listed already)
Added as running

Gibbo said:
Gibbo - Ford Mustang GT - Running! :D

Added as running

eidolon said:
I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, I checked my diary and that's literally the only week I'll have chance to go on holiday until mid Sept due to work commitments :(

amended to 'will know on the day' either way, your more than welcome as you know mate :)

gobbo said:
gobbo - Primera Gt - running!

Added as running

RiPz said:
RiPz / Mini (maybe - if not, riding shotgun with rG-Tom) / Not running

added as speccy

Trick said:
For the record, car is Elise s2

added as speccy

JediFragger said:
ref e-mail

Trick said:
For the record, car is Elise s2
If Tosh is coming I may even let her put her travel bag in my big practical car's boot instead of making her cary it on her knees like she usually has to in that mot'd go cart. 'Cause I'm generous like that.
Trickle said:
If Tosh is coming I may even let her put her travel bag in my big practical car's boot instead of making her cary it on her knees like she usually has to in that mot'd go cart. 'Cause I'm generous like that.
'Tosh' isn't even gonna get wind of the day. She loves nothing more than trying to get a rise out of me by poking fun at the car so I'm hardly going to tell her i'm entertaining the thought of a day at a rolling-road with a load of other car nuts!
Anything sorted out about that bank account or do you still want us to bring 30 smackers (of whichever variety you prefer oo err) on the day?
Now here's the gamble... Do I get a new clutch fitted now... or leave the poor old slipping one in for the moment?... I'd have to bed it in (500 miles or so) before being able to trash it... such a tough decision to make!!
L0rdMike said:
If it slips while on the rollers you wont get a good read out.

How bad is it slipping?

If you're gentle it's fine - if you boot too hard off 1st then 2nd you don't really move forwards :p The old 5th gear and up a slope trick works fine too - for the moment anyway. Bah it's fast once moving - that's more fun anyway ;)
Freefaller said:
Now here's the gamble... Do I get a new clutch fitted now... or leave the poor old slipping one in for the moment?... I'd have to bed it in (500 miles or so) before being able to trash it... such a tough decision to make!!

Get a new one and make an excuse to do 500 miles before 1st july. :p
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