OCUK Rolling Road Meet 4 - Bolt on Goodies - Official Sign Up Thread

I think I will give the cinema a miss ;)
I presume the pub lunch is still on? I missed out last year, had a breakdown to attend to ;)
but this year I will be having food!
I might be able to come again. :)

More deadlines at work means that I can't go on holiday until end of July however I don't think I'll have my Elise as it's due to go down to Sinclaires any time now. The good news is that if my Elise is away then I'll have a like for like replacement so I may be in *an* Elise, just not my own :D
eidolon said:
I might be able to come again. :)

More deadlines at work means that I can't go on holiday until end of July however I don't think I'll have my Elise as it's due to go down to Sinclaires any time now. The good news is that if my Elise is away then I'll have a like for like replacement so I may be in *an* Elise, just not my own :D

ahh excellent you can play with my stereo, im kind and will let you :p
eidolon said:
No problem Will. I'll see if I can dig out any test type CDs to set the system up with.

Any chance i could borrow that cd whilst at the RR, could do with setting my system up right :)

Don't need to borrow any Aqua though, thats already on the ipod :o .....

[ui]ICEMAN said:
Dropped a bit of a hint actually anyway, Romans have the "other" car on their site atm since its from them.

I wonder what it could be ... ;) has it arrived yet mate?

[ui]ICEMAN said:
I guess we're fortunate that Conanius is a personal friend :p I don't think he'll make this page vanish whilst we sleep.

oh, think your above the law of my thread now eh !....

....dibs on a shotgun ride on the new motor should solve this situation :D
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