OCUK Rolling Road Meet 4 - Bolt on Goodies - Official Sign Up Thread

Well Im up, so I'll have enough time to meet some of you at Chievley. See you all later :)
I got up at 5:45 just about to leave in a bit :o

Damn I am not used to early mornings! It looks like a beautiful day out there though :cool:
Morning chaps :)

Better wake Huzeeee up and we'll be there at about 8.30.

.....now where's that cup of coffee.
Not seen this time in the morning for a while, especially on a Saturday :o

Leaving in half an hour... see you all there :)
eidolon said:
urghhhh, it's far too early to be awake.
Steve, my number is edited- should be there for 7:45 though.

Let me know when you have read this so I can edit this post :)


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Carparks are fun (open wireless networks are even more fun) :D

Mondeo tourney went on earlier...

Daz > Fox > PMKeats > rG-Tom

Loskat is too much of a wuss to run hers :P i'll let them tell you the power figures they got themselves... currently got some Jeep thing running :)

There's about 93.56 cars here... the big cars are yet to run.. mutsang etc..

Will keep you posted :>
Posting live using our own bandwidth.
CLASSIC. :cool:
Must tell the boss to make that more secure ;)

Good day anyway, Cheers lads

Smokes' fault for blindly following his sat nav.....

I suspected we wern't going to find Michael woods services when he turned off the M5 and started taking farm tracks for miles....then stopped on a back road to declare we had 'arrived' :o
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