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OcUK RTX4060 review thread

29 Jan 2023
Ok... i don't want seem to come across as horrible to you, that's not my intention, please excuse my bluntness, its just how i am, no disrespect intended :)

Why don't you just get an RX 6700XT? its faster for about the same money and its got 4GB more VRam, or if you want Nvidia why not the 3060? It near the same performance for now £50 less, and again 12GB like the RX 6700XT, that's the problem with the 4060, its not an improvement on its predecessor for near the same original RRP.
In fact the 4060 is sometimes slower than the 3060.

Nope... we need help if it does.
Maybe I'm misinformed - but the 4060 in the review I saw was trading blows with the 6750xt, which is kind of lame - but how much is a 6700xt anyways? And with DLSS and frame gen, it should be comfortably ahead of the 6700xt?

I just feel like people are looking at the product number and not the price point. They are definitely ************ on their number scheme by 1-2 tiers for every product below the 4080 - which comfortably outpaces the 3090 and 3090ti and thus justifies its numbering, if not it's price - but at the end of the day the number on the box is irrelevant, it's only the price that matters.

I thought the 4060ti is one of the worst products I've seen in this field. This card isn't setting me off too much. I might need to see a few more reviews though. Sometimes one reviewer pulls numbers out that makes a card look better than the rest - especially in this DDR5 era where people have very different ram setups on the go. I think a lot of stuff from fall 2022 needs a re-test with bare min 6k/30 ram because I think some reviewers had their terrible ddr5 kits left on 4800 in that first while.
8 Nov 2008
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is such a bad product? That's as cheap as a card is gonna get, and while I don't base my opinions around DLSS and frame gen, in some games this thing will give some very playable frame rates for pretty cheap.

Yes, it's 100 bucks more than the 1660 type of card it's replacing, but in 2023, you take what you can get. This will sell heavily, and I understand why
It's better than the disastrous 4060Ti launch, but that's about it. I guess it sits somewhere between the AMD 7600 and 4060Ti.

I can see where you're coming from, but it's hardly an inspiring price/performance jump.
15 Oct 2019
It's better than the disastrous 4060Ti launch, but that's about it. I guess it sits somewhere between the AMD 7600 and 4060Ti.

I can see where you're coming from, but it's hardly an inspiring price/performance jump.
It’s about 5-15% faster than 3060 but then the 3060 was quite a poor performer vs the 3060ti which was 25% faster and only its 12gb VRAM the saving grace.
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