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OcUK RTX4060 review thread

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Thing is, some of these people told AMD they would be getting a bad review for the 7900XT because it was too expensive, absolutely right it was too expensive, AMD didn't listen and they got a bad review, rightfully.

This time AMD did listen, i have no doubt that they were told at $330, the same price as the card its replaced it was too expensive, so they reduced it to $300, still too expensive they said, so they reduced it to $270, for a card that's 30% faster and now 20% cheaper than the card its replaced, were they happy at that? No, they never would be, that's not the point.
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27 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
What i think it is.

A lot of them have personal friends at Intel, people like Ryan Shrout, Intel frankly are in trouble and these people are crying for their jobs, Intel recently sacked 30% of their workforce and the retail GPU segment is always at the top of the list for the chopping block.

They figure AMD have made enough money for who they are, they have caused too much damage to Intel already and they need help to be put back to their rightful place.

Its been the same with Nvidia for years, they never talk about AMD in terms of friends among them, probably because AMD have never been rich enough to be the sort of company you would see any reason or benefit to suck up to, you do see them talk about friends among Intel and Nvidia.
That would make sense their Uncle Jenson is at risk of bankruptcy he calls for aid!!!
27 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
Thing is, some of these people told AMD they would be getting a bad review for the 7900XT because it was too expensive, absolutely right it was too expensive, AMD didn't listen and they got a bad review, rightfully.

This time AMD did listen, i have no doubt that they were told at $330, the same price as the card its replaced it was too expensive, so they reduced it to $300, still too expensive they said, so they reduced it to $270, for a card that's 30% faster and now 20% cheaper than the card its replaced, were they happy at that? No, they never would be, that's not the point is

The point is they are just your bog standard fan boys the point is to **** on them to justify themselves so they grab the low hanging fruit, the problem is this time AMD went "you have a point how about this?" They went quiet and looked for another tree.
3 Feb 2010
Because it doesn't have have DLSS and worse RT, AMD should be ashamed that they are not paying him to use it....

I think I covered it :cry:
AMD should be ashamed that they are not paying me to use it? :|

I'm confused, the card is a massive upgrade for me from a gtx 1070, and it's crushing everything i throw at it at 1080p-1440p on high/ultra..

Obviously RT is a no-go, but I know FSR 3.0 will come eventually, that may make it more viable
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
In terms of a gen on gen upgrade we rarely get as good as +30% performance and at a reduced price of 20%, certainly that is good by any standard never mind the current situation.

The 7900XTX is 40% faster than the 6900XT at 1440P and 49% faster at 4K for the same $999 price, that's also very good.

Even the 7900XT at 26% faster than the 6900XT for $899 was not all that bad, i agree and said at the time that should have been the 7800XT at $750 but its no where near as bad as the 4080 being 47% faster than the 3080 at 71% more money, or the 4060Ti 8GB at 6% faster than the 3060Ti at the same money and then there's the 4060.....
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27 Jan 2009
United Kingdom
AMD should be ashamed that they are not paying me to use it? :|

I'm confused, the card is a massive upgrade for me from a gtx 1070, and it's crushing everything i throw at it at 1080p-1440p on high/ultra..

Obviously RT is a no-go, but I know FSR 3.0 will come eventually, that may make it more viable
It was sarcasm.

You have a good card that's suitable for your needs. wasn't a dig at you!
29 Jan 2023
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is such a bad product? That's as cheap as a card is gonna get, and while I don't base my opinions around DLSS and frame gen, in some games this thing will give some very playable frame rates for pretty cheap.

Yes, it's 100 bucks more than the 1660 type of card it's replacing, but in 2023, you take what you can get. This will sell heavily, and I understand why
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is such a bad product? That's as cheap as a card is gonna get, and while I don't base my opinions around DLSS and frame gen, in some games this thing will give some very playable frame rates for pretty cheap.

Yes, it's 100 bucks more than the 1660 type of card it's replacing, but in 2023, you take what you can get. This will sell heavily, and I understand why

Ok... i don't want seem to come across as horrible to you, that's not my intention, please excuse my bluntness, its just how i am, no disrespect intended :)

Why don't you just get an RX 6700XT? its faster for about the same money and its got 4GB more VRam, or if you want Nvidia why not the 3060? It near the same performance for now £50 less, and again 12GB like the RX 6700XT, that's the problem with the 4060, its not an improvement on its predecessor for near the same original RRP.
In fact the 4060 is sometimes slower than the 3060.

This will sell heavily

Nope... we need help if it does.
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3 Jul 2008
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is such a bad product? That's as cheap as a card is gonna get, and while I don't base my opinions around DLSS and frame gen, in some games this thing will give some very playable frame rates for pretty cheap.

Yes, it's 100 bucks more than the 1660 type of card it's replacing, but in 2023, you take what you can get. This will sell heavily, and I understand why

It's not replacing the 1660, it's replacing the 3060.

For gaming, the 4060 is competent at 1080p because this is where Nvidia have pitched it. At 1080p it's ahead of the 3060 by on average 20%. But reviews show that this gap narrows at 1440p because of the vram and memory bus limitations and here it's only about 5% ahead of the 3060 and on some titles the 3060 actually wins.

For content creators, the 4060 is actually behind the 3060 on almost all tests, largely because of the vram and memory bus limitations.

£299 isn't "cheap".
16 Sep 2018
Am I the only one who doesn't think this is such a bad product? That's as cheap as a card is gonna get, and while I don't base my opinions around DLSS and frame gen, in some games this thing will give some very playable frame rates for pretty cheap.

Yes, it's 100 bucks more than the 1660 type of card it's replacing, but in 2023, you take what you can get. This will sell heavily, and I understand why
Because it costs them something like $100-150 in materiels to make and they're trying to sell them for double that price. Sure there's things like R&D, ongoing software development (aka: drivers) and such but a 100% markup is taking the widdle.
16 Aug 2009
Are DF really into shill territory? Used to quite like their content in the earlier days.
Basically ever since they said that the 2080ti was greatest thing since sliced bread and that everyone should rush out and buy it immediately people have tended not to take them at their word, that is to say they were fully paid up shills. Whatever integrity they once had has been sold to Nvidia long ago.
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15 Oct 2019
Still at 3 4060 cards sold in the last 24 hours. If Nvidia wants to hit their next earnings target they better hope AI sales have smashed it out the park as sales at release for what is traditionally one of the most popular lines of GPU are truly abysmal.
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