**** OcUK Secret Santa 2014 - Signup & Discussion Thread ****

Had to change my Elfster username from ScubaScorpion but I'm in again :D

Will most likely to be abroad on Christmas day though but I'm sure I can get a bit of an uplink to OcUK sorted. :D
Right I've finally updated the opening post with the list of confirmed names. If you're not in the list, then you haven't signed up properly - Tummy you're a name that instantly springs to mind!
Signed up on the Elfster page - can't seem to remember who my SS victim was last year, but I distinctly remember they never made a peep at all after Xmas on any of the threads :/
Signed up on the Elfster page - can't seem to remember who my SS victim was last year, but I distinctly remember they never made a peep at all after Xmas on any of the threads :/

you had this chap http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/member.php?u=32760
and no, no pic in the unwrap thread :/
he's in again this year as well... http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=27101027&postcount=42
Maccy wont be putting up with any of that **** this year though, i hear he's been polishing his banhammer :D
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Hang on, he didn't post a pic last year? I shouldn't be including him in the draw then.

branddaly - give me reasons why you should be included in the draw this year.
I have not posted much this year, I have a joint fb with the wife that I hardly post on , no twitter or any other online profiles

I feel for who ever gets me
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