OcUK Southwest Meet - Get Your Names In!

I'm just waiting for friend atm, should be here in ~1 hour, leaves us around 15 mins to get to the services, which should be fine. Just hope my instructions (to get from M5, to my house) are ok for him :D
I just woke up :)

I know the route up until Haytor, but then widecombe is signposted as it's such a tourist trap.

Basically Exeter M5 > A30 as Fox says follow signs to Moreton Hampstead.

When at Morton follow signs to Bovey Tracy.

When at Bovey follow signs to Haytor :)

The Moreton > Bovey road is good fun, even fun when driving the works van.
Congratulations Evo, your combination of local knowledge and 172bhp car has ensured you have been awarded the position of... lead driver :D
[TW]Fox said:
Congratulations Evo, your combination of local knowledge and 172bhp car has ensured you have been awarded the position of... lead driver :D

pffft no way, I accept no responsility for the headline "30 disappear on moors, search still continuing".

Although if people were staying around till dark there are some good spooky spots up there, many weird moro stories can be told :)
Matt said:
I still have no idea who half of you were :p


Top day, looking forward ot the pictures :)

Sadly my camera battery died pretty much right away, the only pic I got that's of any use is apic of some cows in the road :)




nice pics fox.

yea nice to put names to the faces. good day guys. do it again sometime. looking forward to seeing Rilots pics, or the ones that fiona took
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