** OcUK Tech Labs Fathom All in One Custom Cooler **

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it gets moved around in transit, we can shake it around for ages during testing and it wont ever remove all of the air from the system

as we said this can dislodge any air pockets from the rad.

you should allow the air to rise into the pump unit and then fill the remainder up with the provided fluid.

this is probably around a teaspoon of fluid in reality but it is worth doing to get best performance.

all you need to do is allow the air to rise from the tube into the pump unit, it will get trapped in the reservoir easily.

from then on, just top the fluid up carefully via the fillport on the block.

ensure you close it up properly and run it from the power supply for an hour or so to ensure you have resealed it correctly.
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Rjk, will ocuk bring in OcUK Tech Labs Fathom All in One Custom Cooler 140mm one day as my case only had top 1 x 140mm and rear 1 x 140mm. So, it would be great if they make one and will buy it for my sandybridge i7 2700k. Cheers.

if you want one, contact our sales team and get them to customize one for you.
it just takes time for proper reviews to be done.

one of those things.

I was tempted to not put them live until they are reviewed, but i feel it is better to have them for sale before and get feedback straight away.
I just give up. They are taking it too long. I won't be bother asked again.


So who were the review samples sent to? Want to keep an eye out as these interest me a lot.

cant say, shouldn't me much longer now.

I am glad you found out how bad they are i was considering one of these but wont bother now.
But i don't understand how O.C said they where so good when the review says there not.

that review is for the coolermaster version which uses a cheap radiator and fans. the only thing it has in common is the eisberg pump

the eisberg when fitted to good parts like we have is much much better.

as i said, 5GHz AMD cpu with no thermal throttling.

the review will put your minds at rest.


do you really think myself, a watercooling expert and 8pack, the best overclocker in the UK would bother putting something online like this if it didnt work like we said it did?
wow. ours certainly dont sound like that

warranty is a year on the system parts plus any manufacturer warranty on the parts in addition.
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Need some 8pack approved benchmarks

check the OP

it allows a massively hot octocore AMD FX CPU to run at 5GHz @ 1.5v without thermal throttling.


it pretty much speaks volumes for the ability of the product.

Update on the Review.

It seems that there has been some problems with the reviewer we sent the item to and the fathom has been sent to a new reviewer to carry out the review.

We also plan on sending the Fathoms to Stulid for him to do a review on them in the future once the review site have finished their reviews.
Going to unsubscription this page cos it getting bored now.

Good tbh.

I have told you a review is in progress. I have given you a full update of what is happening with the review. These things don't happen over night.

Anyone who knows anything will understand that something able to keep a 5GHz 8core CPU under thermal throttle point is enough cooling for anyone on this forum.

Including 8Pack!
What's the difference between the 2 rad options?

The xspc is a good rad. It will do a great job for every user.

The SR1 has built in fan shrouds that eliminate the deadspot behind the fan hub and thus increase airflow over the fins. SR1 has a lower FPI than the EX rad also meaning the fans can be ran slower and thus quieter if you wish
What are the corsair fans on theese like for noise guys? Im curious too as to wether ocuk will offer different fan options, perhaps PWM models. As quite a lot of mobos now feature dual cpu fan headers, (my own included), with the 240mm variant id prefer to have the option of mobo control for the fans. Also look forward to the review of this.

The fans are the best out there for water cooling radiators now that Gentle Typhoons are end of life.

They are quiet and provide excellent static pressure (hence their SP designation)

We don't offer PWM because it is best to run it on a fan controller to really make the most of it.

They aren't loud when ran without a fan controller anyway
Sure. For multiple blocks and rads, it is best to go for their D5 bay res. The 750 pump rest will work but the D5 will give you a lit more control over your flow rate, and therefore your temperatures
Would the SR1 fit ok in a shinobi xl rjk? Think i read somewhere that this case has trouble fitting thicker rads with standard 25mm depth fans attached without a little bit of modding of the top panel.

Possibly. Off the top of my head I can't remember what sort of clearencw it has. Best to add 25mm to the advertised thickness of the rad and measure up you self. Also be mindful of your motherboard MOSFET height as this can sometimes clash with roof mounted radiators.
The pump can run off a 12v header or a fan controller.

I would suggest an analog controller over digital to get the most control.
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