@NikTheSHNIK Do the we need to submit our placement screenshots or do you have the top 10 teams already ?

You can pop the screenshot here if you want! Saves me doing it tomorrow morning when i get back to the office.

Do we know what the cut off point for the finals are yet?

I said top 10 if I remember rightly. Top ten of the other qualifier will go through also. The remaining teams will play in the second tier final.
Well played everybody. Proud of the OcUK team (for lasting so long...) and also the stream regulars who made it through to the final final!
Well played everybody. Proud of the OcUK team (for lasting so long...) and also the stream regulars who made it through to the final final!

I know its not over yet … and looking forward watching Thursday's match … but really big thanks Nik and co for organising this, I know for some it doesn't seem to be … but the majority of us appreciate it - fun gaming forever - thanks again! :)

Well done guys, even you OcUK Elites :)
Didn't get a chance to watch stream but congrats/commiserations to all involved! And looking forward to hiding in a bush come Thursday night!

Anyone get panned?!
10th with pretty poor loot, we'll take that :D the goal was not to finish last so we exceeded expectations......who was last btw....hopefully some ocuk regulars so the ribbing can commence!
10th with pretty poor loot, we'll take that :D the goal was not to finish last so we exceeded expectations......who was last btw....hopefully some ocuk regulars so the ribbing can commence!

We were 9th. We got a bit distracted downing you twice :D and then the circle got all 3 of us left - doh!
i did absolutely nothing.

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