Lads take it into the main PUBG chat rather than the tournament chat - Nobody here cares how good @~>Dg<~ thinks he is or if in fact he is even that good at all. Nobody cares why he isn't playing or if he has potato aim or game sense of the gods, as claimed, nobody cares. Nobody even cares that he doesn't know when to use a caps or a space where necessary making his posts a pain to read... In case it wasn't clear, nobody cares! We are here for the tournament bants and to speak with people/teams who are actually taking part! Don't want to take part as you believe you have some kind of moral high ground? Go occupy that high ground and leave the rest of us to share in what should be a good laugh.
just remove my chat.enjoy the tourne.wont post in here any more.good luck.

Not a direct dig at only you! You know how it is and how these things get out of hand quickly! I wasn't joking about the "." and " " though, Jesus you make life hard :p It just feels better to come here and have a chat about this upcoming tournament rather than read more about what we already know about the last one and how it was run, as shared in the other thread. I get the morals part and respect that but with it known about how you feel there really is no need to take the bait in here.

Seems a shame though but it is what it is and people should respect that.

Does look like we have a bit more OCUK team presence which is nice @NikTheSHNIK any chance of an updated roster? So we can stalk even more players over the next few weeks?
What is the best way to get notified about them?

Follow the OcUK Facebook, Twitter and Twitch channel. Then we also post in the Streams thread what we'll be playing that week and if there is something big on we'll make a thread in the Latest News page.

Social channel links can be found on the OcUK homepage, twitch link on the signup thread and that is in the latest news page :)
It would need the PUBG devs to enable an IP geo-enforcement in their custom games preferences (unless ocuk do some manual policing). So unlikely that this is going to be policed properly and it's not really a super legit tournament with huge prizes. I don't really mind either way, it's good to be up against proper gamers. Even better if your team wins it.

Knowing how badly Geo-IP can be I wouldn’t want to rely on that. There is no recognised database for it and even if you know your location is wrong its a pain to get it changed. I think google state 2 months to review. And unless you have a static ip - one week you could be showing fine and next week new IP has you in another country.
Enter a eu pro team into the torney (like there already is) have a ringer UK guy to have the goodies delivered to. Job done.
Enter a eu pro team into the torney (like there already is) have a ringer UK guy to have the goodies delivered to. Job done.
Also, change your gamer id. The frenchies are no threat.
They are either too stupid to read the rules or, they read the rules and are too stupid to hide the fact they are not UK based. Anyone that stupid isn’t worth worrying about :p
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