OcUK Xmas Programming Challenge

For the people who were asking, I'm planning something with a few independent parts so if you can't do one then you should be able to attempt the others.

If you get all of them then there will be an extra step though.
Just need to find some time to actually put it together. I've done a couple of the steps, but hopefully should have it ready soon.

Hoping to have it done by the end of the week. It is a Christmas competition though, so there should still be plenty of time for people to get it done.
I'm in.

I'll give her a go in either bash/vbs/batch or php.

not that I'm very good in any, but enough to work out most issues.

There was a competition many years ago to see who could get the most output from the smallest amount of code.

I seem to remember the winner being someone who had written only 6 lines, but when run it outputted the entire next day of Christmas song.

very impressive.
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