OCUK's new website

breaks all rules of good design, what are you trying to draw people to?, where's the primary call to action?, non responsive? etc etc
It looks 5 years old and made by someone with no understanding of simplicity or readability.

Very messy and cluttered.

Normally I'd complain about new responsive sites making things too big on desktops, but to make this mess without being responsive is terrible.
I'm not a fan of the front page but I really like the increased usability of some sections. The PC configurator is now much, MUCH better, with the "stock level" for each component etc and sorting through the available PC's by processor/graphics etc makes searching a lot better than the original site.
It looks like someone has just tried to copy the Caseking.de design on face value, but used darker colours, and done it really badly too.
Having just looked at the caseking website, where its the same template on a light design, it is infinitely better to browse, even with all the annoying junk thrown at you.

The caseking ste is much easier on the eye whereas our site is too fussy with all the different coloured blurb of the left. Some of the colours on the page could most certainly be made softer.
Horrible design.

Cluttered and naff. Background textures are awful. The old design was far cleaner

It looks like the a design 12y/o me would have liked though, if that's the target audience!
Sure from design perspective its not very good with red and blue colours. Could be more stream line and professional looking.

I know the blue and red is in the logo, doesn't mean have to use them on the site. At least its not dull.
The site would look so much cleaner if you simply removed all of the gradients and borders

Drop shadow also needs removing from the logo but i cba

Also stick to the 4 colours

Dark Grey - 2c2c2c
Light Grey - cbcbcb
Red - b91221
Blue - 0057a8
No, no it isn't. The aftermath of a car crash is horrible. You just dislike this.

No Spoffle, it most definitely is horrible.


1. Arousing or tending to arouse horror; dreadful: "War is beyond all words horrible" (Winston S. Churchill).
2. Very unpleasant; disagreeable. .

Did you design the page, you seem awfully defensive over it? The page is cluttered, can't find what you want easily and as others have said the colour is all over the place.
The reason it looks so messy and crammed together is because there's no negative space. Every single part of the page is filled with something that it wants you to look at, so in the end your eyes don't know where to focus. Most websites have a primary focus in what their ultimate goal is for you to be on there.
If I'm a new customer; What's an "8 Pack", and why do I care? What is a "highlight" and why is it any different from a top seller?
Should these types of things be at the top distracting attention away from what your primary goal of the site is? I presume it's either to sell components or full systems.

The mega nav is a good addition, maybe not with the gradient on it, but the idea is good.

The 5 pods, is it necessary to say what each pod is twice, once at the top and once at the bottom? I'd remove the bottom text and black bar.
Is it necessary to have PC configuration right at the top, and then a couple of inches down to the left? Same with contact us where you have a contact us button directly above it.

People don't like being hit by ads as soon as they go onto a page, it's distracting, having a full width ad banner shouldn't be on the homepage, if you click sub components RAM, by all means show an ad for Ballistix, but not on the homepage.

Don't use as many dark greys and blacks it clutters the site too much.

There's so much that you could just remove which doesn't need to be there, to give the site more space, right now there's just too much.

I hope some of this feedback helps, but honestly it's a step backwards, negative space is your friend, and it does feel like this wasn't designed by a designer, but by someone higher up saying "I want this on here, and this, and this, and that" to which point there was no other option than to have a cluttered mess.
I don't really like it, the base colours and accent colours don't work very well together, it is all a bit claustrophobic and dark, there are loads of unnecessary fussy borders and gradients, and it needs more contrast!

The sizing is also a bit bonkers, the main site content fills the entire screen on my 1200P monitor, meaning that I can't see the banners down the sides. It isn't a good look in 2015.

e; The above looks 1000 times better!
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The borders win on a 3840 x 2160 (UHD) desktop when it's not zoomed (150%).
Now that it actually works again I can give some comments:

Firstly the good bits - it is better than the old site, which looked a bit like the rotting corpse of the 90's internet. This is much better in comparison, so I applaud you for that.

However, the top half of the page is a mess, UX wise. You have multiple depths of navigation bars, the same controls in multiple places (but look completely different!) and the page flow changes repeatedly as you scan down. I used the Chrome debugger to quickly simplify it out and make it a bit clearer, without actually removing anything worth keeping.





Secondly, and this is more personal preference than anything, the gradients are horrible. As an example I tried to modify the navbar for my mockup but the gradients aren't even in CSS, its just a repeating image :( EDIT - someone further up did a really nice job of what I was trying to get at - see that post!

Similar problems on the catalogue pages, where there is just too much going on - although it looks more like feature creep issues more than anything (It's ok not to have every possible feature, despite what many people on the forum will tell you - especially if it compromises the accessibility of the page).

I'll have another dig around later and see if there is any other bits and pieces worth feeding back, but thats my 2p.
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